Re: [Idr] [spring] Comments: Route Origin Community in SR Policy(draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy)

Gyan Mishra <> Thu, 21 May 2020 19:17 UTC

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From: Gyan Mishra <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2020 15:17:42 -0400
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To: Robert Raszuk <>
Cc: "Chengli (Cheng Li)" <>, Fangsheng <>, "Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)" <>, SPRING WG <>, Yangang <>, "" <>, idr wg <>, stefano previdi <>
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Subject: Re: [Idr] [spring] Comments: Route Origin Community in SR Policy(draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy)
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On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 8:59 AM Robert Raszuk <> wrote:

> Hi,
> > the node-address is generated by CSG1
> I don't think CSG1 needs to "generate" anything. Peers which send you
> particular policy are well known at CSG1.
> > The process described above will result in a waste of redundant
> candidate paths on CSG1,
> Well what you call "waste" I call redundancy. Sure keeping extra paths
> requires some cost, but building redundancy in control plane pays off.

    Gyan> I agree with Robert that the additional candidate path sent by
the RR could be used for redundancy.   However, I think the context of  SR
TE is that each candidate path is a single path option not multiple as the
redundancy is provided by different candidate paths.  That is the issue I
am guessing.

> Thx,
> R.
> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 2:32 PM Fangsheng <> wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> Take the following picture as an example, I think you can understand our
>> problem more easily.
>> The controller needs to notify the headend CSG1 through BGP SR Policy to
>> create a candidate path of SR Policy. This BGP SR Policy route will be
>> advertised to CSG1 through RR1 and RR2.
>> According to the definition in draft, the key of a candidate path is
>> <Protocol-Origin, originator, discriminator>, where originator = <ASN,
>> node-address>, so a complete candidate path key is <Protocol-Origin, ASN,
>> node-address , discriminator>.
>> However, in this specific example, the node-address is generated by CSG1,
>> and because CSG1 receives BGP SR Policy routes from RR1 and RR2,
>> respectively, CSG1 will get two different node-addresses. CSG1 thinks that
>> it is necessary to create two  candidate paths, and the controller does not
>> know what the node-address CSG1 will eventually generate. Maybe:
>> Candidate path 1’ key:  <*BGP,RR1’s ASN, RR1’ BGP Router ID,
>> discriminator1*>
>> Candidate path 2’ key:  <*BGP,RR2’s ASN, RR2’ BGP Router ID,
>> discriminator2*>
>> The process described above will result in a waste of redundant candidate
>> paths on CSG1,
>> At the same time, when CSG1 needs to announce the SR Policy information
>> to the controller through BGP LS, it needs to carry the keys of the
>> candidate path in it, and the controller cannot recognize these keys.
>> To solve these problems,  We recommend carrying the Route Origin
>> Community (defined in RFC 4360) directly when the controller advertises BGP
>> routes.
>> In this way, the key  of the CP is determined by the controller and will
>> not change during the advertisement of BGP routes.
>> *发件人:* Ketan Talaulikar (ketant) []
>> *发送时间:* 2020年5月18日 20:00
>> *收件人:* Robert Raszuk <>
>> *抄送:* Chengli (Cheng Li) <>;
>>; idr wg <>;
>> SPRING WG <>; Fangsheng <>; stefano
>> previdi <>
>> *主题:* RE: [Idr] Comments: Route Origin Community in SR
>> Policy(draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy)
>> Hi Robert,
>> You are right that the “Originator” is not used in BGP best path and is
>> just for a tie-breaking logic in SRTE between paths from different
>> protocols and controllers. I doubt if there is a functional issue here.
>> I thought that Chengli was bringing in some new/different requirement for
>> the “Originator” field for some deployment design. I haven’t seen a
>> response/clarification from him as yet, and so perhaps I misunderstood him
>> in which case we are ok here.
>> Thanks,
>> Ketan
>> *From:* Robert Raszuk <>
>> *Sent:* 30 April 2020 14:46
>> *To:* Ketan Talaulikar (ketant) <>
>> *Cc:* Chengli (Cheng Li) <>;
>>; idr wg <>;
>> SPRING WG <>; Fangsheng <>; stefano
>> previdi <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [Idr] Comments: Route Origin Community in SR
>> Policy(draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy)
>> Hi Chengli and Ketan,
>> Well I think (perhaps to your surprise) the current text is actually
>> correct.
>> See the overall idea of section 2.4 is not to define the real source of
>> the candidate path. That is done in section 2.5 The idea here is to keep
>> multiple *paths or versions* of the candidate paths in the local system
>> uniquely.
>> See if you continue reading section 2.6 demystifies the real objective:
>>    The tuple <Protocol-Origin, originator, discriminator> uniquely
>>    identifies a candidate path.
>> So the real originator is encoded in discriminator and here it just means the peer candidate path was
>> received from. And if you read on this entire exercise only servers best path selection as described in section 2.9.
>> .... the following order until only one valid best path is selected:
>>    1.  Higher value of Protocol-Origin is selected.
>>    2.  If specified by configuration, prefer the existing installed
>>        path.
>>    3.  Lower value of originator is selected.
>>    4.  Finally, the higher value of discriminator is selected.
>> +
>>       The originator allows an operator to have multiple redundant
>>       controllers and still maintain a deterministic behaviour over
>>       which of them are preferred even if they are providing the same
>>       candidate paths for the same SR policies to the headend.
>> Thx,
>> R.
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 10:46 AM Ketan Talaulikar (ketant) <ketant=
>>> wrote:
> Hi Cheng,
>> I assume you are recommending the use of Route Origin Extended Community (
>> for conveying the
>> “Originator” when the SR Policy update is propagated over eBGP sessions via
>> other eBGP/iBGP sessions instead of direct peering with the headend.
>> I believe it does address the scenario you describe given that it is
>> expected that SR Policy propagation via BGP is happening within a single
>> administrative domain even if it comprises of multiple ASes.
>> Also copying the IDR WG for inputs since this would likely need to be
>> updated in draft-ietf-idr-segment-routing-te-policy.
>> Thanks,
>> Ketan
>> *From:* spring <> *On Behalf Of *Chengli (Cheng
>> Li)
>> *Sent:* 30 April 2020 07:34
>> *To:*
>> *Cc:* SPRING WG <>; huruizhao <>;
>> Fangsheng <>
>> *Subject:* [spring] Comments: Route Origin Community in SR
>> Policy(draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy)
>> Hi authors,
>> In section 2.4 of [draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy-06],
>> introduced how the node-address of "Originator of CP(Candidate Path)" is
>> generated when the Protocol-Origin is BGP. It says:
>>     “Protocol-Origin is BGP SR Policy, it is provided by the BGP
>> component on the headend and is:
>>      o  the BGP Router ID and ASN of the node/controller signalling the
>> candidate path when it has a BGP session to the headend, OR
>>      o  the BGP Router ID of the eBGP peer signalling the candidate path
>> along with ASN of origin when the signalling is done via one or  more
>> intermediate eBGP routers, OR
>>      o  the BGP Originator ID [RFC4456] and the ASN of the
>> node/controller  when the signalling is done via one or more
>> route-reflectors over  iBGP session.”
>> In the operator's network, in order to reduce the number of  BGP sessions
>> in controller and achieve scalability, the controller only establishes eBGP
>> peer with the RR. And the RR establishes iBGP peers with the headends.. As
>> mentioned in the draft, the headend will use the RR's Router ID as the CP's
>> node-address (the signaling is done via route transmission from RR to the
>> headend instead of route reflection).  The headend needs to carry the CP's
>> key when reporting the SR Policy status to the controller through BGP-LS.
>> And there is a problem that the controller may not recognize the key
>> because the node-address is generated by the RR node.
>> For network robustness, two or more RRs are usually deployed. This will
>> introduce another problem.. When the same CP advertised by the controller
>> is delivered to the headend through different RRs, the headend cannot
>> distinguish whether it is the same CP because the node-address in the CPs'
>> key  comes from different RRs.
>> To solve these problems,  We recommend carrying the Route Origin
>> Community (defined in RFC 4360) directly when the controller advertises BGP
>> routes.  In this way, the key  of the CP is determined by the controller
>> and will not change during the advertisement of BGP routes.
>> Thanks,
>> Cheng
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*Gyan Mishra*

*Network Solutions A**rchitect *

*M 301 502-134713101 Columbia Pike *Silver Spring, MD