Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as-set-confed-set-02.txt
"Hannachi, Lilia (IntlAssoc)" <> Tue, 12 November 2019 21:41 UTC
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From: "Hannachi, Lilia (IntlAssoc)" <>
To: Jeffrey Haas <>, "" <>
CC: Sander Steffann <>, "" <>, Warren Kumari <>, "Sriram, Kotikalapudi (Fed)" <>
Thread-Topic: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as-set-confed-set-02.txt
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Subject: Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as-set-confed-set-02.txt
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Jeff, > > In IPv6, we shouldn't have any motivation to do aggregation in the > traditional sense. Have you done any analysis of the prefixes involved in > that IPv6 aggregation? > Earlier we (NIST) had shared the analysis for IPv4. Listed below is the AS_SET analysis for IPv6. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Lilia -------------- AS_SET ANALYSIS (OREGON6 2019-10-03:00) The Routeviews OREGON6 collector peers with (23) ASes ********************************************************************* Summary (for IPv6) ********************************************************************* Total # Updates : 155659 # Updates with AS_SET : 38 Percentage of routes with AS_SET : 0.024% # Total # ASes (globally) : 18027 # ASes that create updates with AS_SET : 27 Percentage of ASes that create updates with AS_SET : 0.15% # Routes with AS_SET (after eliminating AS path redundancy): 38 Explanation: These are routes with unique {prefix, AS_SET, 1st AS after AS_SET, AGGREGATOR} combinations. Out of the 38 routes with AS_SETs: *** Routes with AS_SET that seem meaningless or malformed *** # Routes with only one AS in AS_SET : 26 # Routes with Reserved ASN in AS_SET : 0 # Routes with common AS in the AS_SEQUENCE and AS_SET : 4 # Routes with repeated ASes in the AS_SET : 0 # Routes that are /48 prefix (aggregate) announcements : 6 Total # Routes that seem meaningless or malformed : 27 Total # Routes that seem meaningful : 11 Distribution of # unique ASes in the AS_SET : 1:26,2:7,3:1,4:3,8:1 # Routes with AS_SET where AGGREGATOR does not match the right most AS in AS_SEQUENCE : 1 # Routes with unique {prefix, AS_SET, AGGREGATOR} : 38 # Routes with unique {prefix, AS_SET} : 38 *** When there is AGGREGATOR without AS_SET *** # Unique prefixes (with or without AS_SET) : 78625 # Unique prefixes without AS_SET but with AGGREGATOR: 8651 % Unique prefixes without AS_SET but with AGGREGATOR: 11.003% # Unique prefixes with ATOMIC_AGGREGATE: 3823 # Unique prefixes with AGGREGATOR and ATOMIC_AGGREGATE: 3650 # Unique prefixes with AGGREGATOR and without ATOMIC_AGGREGATE: 5039 # Unique prefixes with AS_SET and ATOMIC_AGGREGATE: 2 ********************************************************************* List of ASes (AGGREGATOR) Ranked according to # Routes with AS_SET ********************************************************************* AS: 14080 # Routes with AS_SET: 4 Organization: Telmex Colombia S.A., CO AS: 271 # Routes with AS_SET: 3 Organization: BCNET-AS - BCnet, CA AS: 20940 # Routes with AS_SET: 3 Organization: AKAMAI-ASN1, US AS: 9443 # Routes with AS_SET: 2 Organization: INTERNETPRIMUS-AS-AP Primus Telecommunications, AU AS: 24158 # Routes with AS_SET: 2 Organization: TAIWANMOBILE-AS Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd., TW AS: 45147 # Routes with AS_SET: 2 Organization: NAPINFO-TRANSIT-AS-AP PT. NAP Info Lintas Nusa, ID AS: 52320 # Routes with AS_SET: 2 Organization: GlobeNet Cabos Submarinos Colombia, S.A.S., CO AS: 22 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: DNIC-AS-00022 - Navy Network Information Center (NNIC), US AS: 8376 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: Jordan Data Communications, JO AS: 8697 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: JTC-AS8697 Jordan Telecom Group ( JTG ), JO AS: 47377 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: ORANGE_BELGIUM_SA KPN Belgium Business NV has been acquired by Mobistar, BE AS: 65401 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: -Private Use AS-, ZZ AS: 7160 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: NETDYNAMICS - Oracle Corporation, US AS: 6509 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: CANARIE-NTN - Canarie Inc, CA AS: 32440 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: LONI - Louisiana Board of Regents/Louisiana Optical Network Initiative (LONI), US AS: 6364 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: ATLANTIC-NET-1 -, Inc., US AS: 27919 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: IXP ECUADOR, EC AS: 8664 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: ICM-PUB public network services, PL AS: 41943 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: VMI-KISTA, SE AS: 41426 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: SAUDIDATASTC-AS, SA AS: 203507 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: AVIRADE Kaplaneiweg 1, DE AS: 44814 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: BTEL-BG-AS, BG AS: 35548 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: SMARTTERRA-AS, DE AS: 62917 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: GIGABITCO - Gigabit Communications, US AS: 34056 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: KIEVNET KievNet ISP AS, UA AS: 9924 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: TFN-TW Taiwan Fixed Network, Telco and Network Service Provider., TW AS: 26281 # Routes with AS_SET: 1 Organization: RIML-CORP-AS-1 - BlackBerry Limited, CA ********************************************************************* List of Routes with AS_SET that seem meaningless or malformed: ********************************************************************* 2607:ffc0:1000::/36 209 6939 18705 26281 {13340} 2607:f170:50::/44 57463 6939 2828 18672 6364 {6364} 2001:6a0::/32 7018 6939 8664 {8890} 2607:f8f0:210::/44 57866 1299 6939 271 271 271 271 {26415} 2800:484::/32 57463 6939 3257 14080 {10620} 2a01:4a40::/32 37100 44814 {60974} 2402:7500:600::/40 57463 6939 3491 9924 24158 {131614} 2800:480::/32 57463 6939 3257 14080 {10620} 2a03:f600::/32 57463 6939 1299 3301 25146 41943 {34236} 2a00:1688::/32 57866 9002 34056 {201948} 2600:1408:9800::/48 209 6461 20940 20940 {16625} 2a02:26f0:e00::/48 57463 6939 6762 20940 20940 {21342} 2403:4800:9000::/36 57463 6939 4826 9443 {16625} 2600:140b:f000::/48 7018 1299 4637 4637 4637 4637 20940 20940 {21342} 2606:b400:8814::/48 57463 6939 3356 7160 {7160} 2403:4800::/48 57463 6939 4826 9443 {38285} 2a00:18d8::/32 57463 6939 5511 8697 {328126} 2803:a8a0::/32 7660 2516 6762 27947 27919 {27919,266802} 2800:485::/32 57463 6939 3257 14080 {10620} 2402:4640::/33 22652 4788 38044 {23736} 2402:7500:800::/40 57463 6939 3491 9924 24158 {131614} 2a01:9700::/32 57463 6939 8697 8376 {8376} 2a06:e380::/29 57866 1299 203507 203507 {206970} 2a00:6480::/32 57463 6939 35548 {29018} 2001:480:10::/48 57866 2914 668 22 {7224} 2a02:2578::/32 3277 6939 1299 39386 41426 {51375} 2a01:cc00::/32 57463 6939 5511 47377 {12493} ********************************************************************* List of Routes with AS_SET that seem meaningful: ********************************************************************* 2404:c000::/32 1403 6939 7473 45147 {16625,17727,55818,64313} 2001:410::/32 3277 6939 6509 {271,7860,8111} 2800:b40::/32 57463 52320 {6939,18678,262220,262589} 2402:7500::/32 57463 6939 2914 9924 9924 9924 {24158,131614} 2404:c000::/33 7018 1299 45147 {16625,55818} 2607:f8f0::/32 57866 1299 577 271 271 271 271 {4476,16462,26415,393249} 2604:82c0::/32 57463 6939 33132 62917 {32451,54426} 2800:482::/32 40191 3257 14080 {10620,64250} 2803:6700::/32 31019 43531 52320 {2,3257,6762,6939,18747,19429,262220,263210} 2607:f390::/32 57463 6939 3356 32440 {2055,17244} 2607:f8f0:600::/40 57866 1299 577 271 271 271 271 {4476,393249} ********************************************************************* List of All Routes with AS_SET by AGGREGATOR ********************************************************************* *********************** AGGREGATOR= 14080 *********************** 2800:482::/32 40191 3257 14080 {10620,64250} AGGREGATOR=14080 2800:484::/32 57463 6939 3257 14080 {10620} AGGREGATOR=14080 2800:480::/32 57463 6939 3257 14080 {10620} AGGREGATOR=14080 2800:485::/32 57463 6939 3257 14080 {10620} AGGREGATOR=14080 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 271 *********************** 2607:f8f0:210::/44 57866 1299 6939 271 271 271 271 {26415} AGGREGATOR=271 2607:f8f0:600::/40 57866 1299 577 271 271 271 271 {4476,393249} AGGREGATOR=271 2607:f8f0::/32 57866 1299 577 271 271 271 271 {4476,16462,26415,393249} AGGREGATOR=271 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 20940 *********************** 2600:1408:9800::/48 209 6461 20940 20940 {16625} AGGREGATOR=20940 2600:140b:f000::/48 7018 1299 4637 4637 4637 4637 20940 20940 {21342} AGGREGATOR=20940 2a02:26f0:e00::/48 57463 6939 6762 20940 20940 {21342} AGGREGATOR=20940 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 9443 *********************** 2403:4800::/48 57463 6939 4826 9443 {38285} AGGREGATOR=9443 2403:4800:9000::/36 57463 6939 4826 9443 {16625} AGGREGATOR=9443 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 24158 *********************** 2402:7500:600::/40 57463 6939 3491 9924 24158 {131614} AGGREGATOR=24158 2402:7500:800::/40 57463 6939 3491 9924 24158 {131614} AGGREGATOR=24158 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 45147 *********************** 2404:c000::/33 7018 1299 45147 {16625,55818} AGGREGATOR=45147 2404:c000::/32 1403 6939 7473 45147 {16625,17727,55818,64313} AGGREGATOR=45147 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 52320 *********************** 2803:6700::/32 31019 43531 52320 {2,3257,6762,6939,18747,19429,262220,263210} AGGREGATOR=52320 2800:b40::/32 57463 52320 {6939,18678,262220,262589} AGGREGATOR=52320 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 22 *********************** 2001:480:10::/48 57866 2914 668 22 {7224} AGGREGATOR=22 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 8376 *********************** 2a01:9700::/32 57463 6939 8697 8376 {8376} AGGREGATOR=8376 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 8697 *********************** 2a00:18d8::/32 57463 6939 5511 8697 {328126} AGGREGATOR=8697 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 47377 *********************** 2a01:cc00::/32 57463 6939 5511 47377 {12493} AGGREGATOR=47377 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 65401 *********************** 2402:4640::/33 22652 4788 38044 {23736} AGGREGATOR=65401 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 7160 *********************** 2606:b400:8814::/48 57463 6939 3356 7160 {7160} AGGREGATOR=7160 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 6509 *********************** 2001:410::/32 3277 6939 6509 {271,7860,8111} AGGREGATOR=6509 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 32440 *********************** 2607:f390::/32 57463 6939 3356 32440 {2055,17244} AGGREGATOR=32440 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 6364 *********************** 2607:f170:50::/44 57463 6939 2828 18672 6364 {6364} AGGREGATOR=6364 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 27919 *********************** 2803:a8a0::/32 7660 2516 6762 27947 27919 {27919,266802} AGGREGATOR=27919 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 8664 *********************** 2001:6a0::/32 7018 6939 8664 {8890} AGGREGATOR=8664 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 41943 *********************** 2a03:f600::/32 57463 6939 1299 3301 25146 41943 {34236} AGGREGATOR=41943 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 41426 *********************** 2a02:2578::/32 3277 6939 1299 39386 41426 {51375} AGGREGATOR=41426 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 203507 *********************** 2a06:e380::/29 57866 1299 203507 203507 {206970} AGGREGATOR=203507 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 44814 *********************** 2a01:4a40::/32 37100 44814 {60974} AGGREGATOR=44814 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 35548 *********************** 2a00:6480::/32 57463 6939 35548 {29018} AGGREGATOR=35548 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 62917 *********************** 2604:82c0::/32 57463 6939 33132 62917 {32451,54426} AGGREGATOR=62917 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 34056 *********************** 2a00:1688::/32 57866 9002 34056 {201948} AGGREGATOR=34056 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 9924 *********************** 2402:7500::/32 57463 6939 2914 9924 9924 9924 {24158,131614} AGGREGATOR=9924 *********************** AGGREGATOR= 26281 *********************** 2607:ffc0:1000::/36 209 6939 18705 26281 {13340} AGGREGATOR=26281
- [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as-set… internet-drafts
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Job Snijders
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Ondrej Zajicek
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Sriram, Kotikalapudi (Fed)
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Donatas Abraitis
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Sriram, Kotikalapudi (Fed)
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Alejandro Acosta
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Jared Mauch
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [Idr] I-D Action: draft-ietf-idr-deprecate-as… Hannachi, Lilia (IntlAssoc)