[Idr] Re: John Scudder's Yes on draft-ietf-idr-bgp-sendholdtimer-14: (with COMMENT)
Job Snijders <job@fastly.com> Tue, 30 July 2024 19:49 UTC
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Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 21:49:36 +0200
From: Job Snijders <job@fastly.com>
To: John Scudder <jgs@juniper.net>
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Subject: [Idr] Re: John Scudder's Yes on draft-ietf-idr-bgp-sendholdtimer-14: (with COMMENT)
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Dear John, On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 12:03:04PM -0700, John Scudder via Datatracker wrote: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > COMMENT: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Thanks for all your work on this document. I have one comment, related to the > use of the “OLD/NEW” idiom. Since the conceit with this idiom is that we are > doing a patch to the underlying document, this particular patch: > > ``` > NEW > > | SendHoldTime is an FSM attribute that stores the initial value for > | the SendHoldTimer. If SendHoldTime is non-zero then it MUST be > | greater than the value of HoldTime, see Section 5 for suggested > | default values. > ``` > > strictly speaking means that the reader should go look in section 5 of > RFC 4271 for the suggested default values. Of course, what you really > mean is section 5 of the present document. I don’t think this is > likely to confuse any reasonable reader. Still, it would be cleaner to > move the reference to section 5 outside of the “NEW” block, or > otherwise disambiguate. I see what you mean, I thought this semantically already is disambiguated, as the underlaying xml2rfc code is ```see <xref target="implcons"/> for``` where 'implcons' is a 'non-reference'. I can make a note to ask the RFC Editor to perhaps help ensure that in the final outputted document, the reference is visually displayed ala: ``` NEW | SendHoldTime is an FSM attribute that stores the initial value for | the SendHoldTimer. If SendHoldTime is non-zero then it MUST be | greater than the value of HoldTime, see Section 5 of | [I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-sendholdtimer] for suggested default values. ``` I've changed it in the edit-buffer like so: https://github.com/bgp/draft-ietf-idr-bgp-sendholdtimer/commit/e6b05f44355c012ec219f5689c5183e3660a68d9 Or is there a better way to do this in xml2rfc? Kind regards, Job
- [Idr] John Scudder's Yes on draft-ietf-idr-bgp-se… John Scudder via Datatracker
- [Idr] Re: John Scudder's Yes on draft-ietf-idr-bg… Job Snijders