[Idr] Re: draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-nrp-05 - Pre-Adoption Shepherd's review
chen.ran@zte.com.cn Fri, 17 May 2024 10:15 UTC
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Subject: [Idr] Re: draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-nrp-05 - Pre-Adoption Shepherd's review
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Hi Sue & WG, We would like to request a presentation on 5/20/2024 IDR interim. Problem 1: Authors need to provide additional information on the following comment in section 1: “This document defines a new TLV to enable the headend to report the configuration and the states of an SR Policy carrying the NRP information by using BGP-LS”. The authors should indicate why: 1. The headend needs to report the configuration and the states of an SR Policy carrying NRP information. [Ran]: As defined in [I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy], SR policy information can be used by external components for path computation, re-optimization, service placement, network visualization, etc. A Network Resource Partition (NRP) is a network resource attribute associated with the SR policy. It is also an important attribute of the SR policy and needs to be reported to the external components. The notification of SR policy with NRP information is also used for the same function. 2. Why BGP-LS in BGP is the best protocol to pass this state. [Ran]: When reporting SR Policy information, the corresponding protocol is BGP-LS. As an attribute of SR Policy, NRP is reported together with the SR Policy information. Problem 2: Why the security considerations in this draft are sufficient when they only reference RFC9552 and RFC4271. [Ran]: A Network Resource Partition (NRP) also an important attribute of the SR policy and needs to be reported to the external components. The security considerations of BGP-LS SR policy [I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy] also apply to this document. Will update it. Best Regards, Ran Original From: SusanHares <shares@ndzh.com> To: idr@ietf.org <idr@ietf.org>; Cc: 陈然00080434;Dongjie (Jimmy) <jie.dong@huawei.com>;赵德涛10132546;龚立艳 <gongliyan@chinamobile.com>;zhuyq8@chinatelecom.cn <zhuyq8@chinatelecom.cn>; Date: 2024年05月15日 10:19 Subject: draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-nrp-05 - Pre-Adoption Shepherd's review Draft: draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-nrp-05 Status: Almost ready for adoption TEAS checks: The concept of NRP – has been OKed by TEAS. The IDR chairs will validate section 1 with the TEAS and MPLS chairs prior to adopting the draft. Problem 1: Authors need to provide additional information on the following comment in section 1: “This document defines a new TLV to enable the headend to report the configuration and the states of an SR Policy carrying the NRP information by using BGP-LS”. The authors should indicate why: The headend needs to report the configuration and the states of an SR Policy carrying NRP information. Why BGP-LS in BGP is the best protocol to pass this state. Problem 2: Why the security considerations in this draft are sufficient when they only reference RFC9552 and RFC4271. The IDR chairs welcome a presentation on this draft at the 5/20/2024 interim. Cheerily, Susan Hares
- [Idr] draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-nrp-05 - Pr… Susan Hares
- [Idr] Re: draft-chen-idr-bgp-ls-sr-policy-nrp-05 … chen.ran
- [Idr] continue discussion //Re: draft-chen-idr-bg… chen.ran
- [Idr] Re: continue discussion //Re: draft-chen-id… Joel Halpern
- [Idr] Re: continue discussion //Re: draft-chen-id… chen.ran
- [Idr] Re: continue discussion //Re: draft-chen-id… chen.ran
- [Idr] Re: continue discussion //Re: draft-chen-id… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- [Idr] Re: continue discussion //Re: draft-chen-id… Ketan Talaulikar
- [Idr] Re: continue discussion //Re: draft-chen-id… Dongjie (Jimmy)