Re: [Idr] Draft agenda of IDR virtual interim on April 8th\\RE: IDR virtual Interims - March 30th and April 8th - Please comment within 8 hours
"Dongjie (Jimmy)" <> Thu, 02 April 2020 13:48 UTC
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From: "Dongjie (Jimmy)" <>
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CC: Susan Hares <>, John Scudder <>
Thread-Topic: [Idr] Draft agenda of IDR virtual interim on April 8th\\RE: IDR virtual Interims - March 30th and April 8th - Please comment within 8 hours
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Subject: Re: [Idr] Draft agenda of IDR virtual interim on April 8th\\RE: IDR virtual Interims - March 30th and April 8th - Please comment within 8 hours
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Hi all, Here is the draft agenda of the second virtual interim on April 8th, Please let me and the chairs know whether you have other topic to present & discuss on the meeting. Presenters, please remember to send your slides to me and CC the chairs by end of April 6th (Monday). 1.Administrivia 5 minutes 2. BGP YANG Model Status and Issues Draft: Presenter: Mahesh Jethanandani Time period: 5 minutes 3. Presentations - new drafts or status updates 1) Flowspec for L2 and Tunneled Traffic Draft: Presenter: Donald Eastlake Time period: 15 minutes 2) BGP Well-known Large Communities Draft: Presenter: Jakob Heitz Time period: 10 minutes 3) SDWAN WAN Ports Property Advertisement in BGP UPDATE (moved from 1st interim) Draft: Presenter: Linda Dunbar Time period: 10 minutes 4) BGP Extended Community Registries Update Draft: Presenter: Christoph Loibl Time period: 10 minutes Best regards, Jie From: Idr [] On Behalf Of Dongjie (Jimmy) Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 10:59 PM To: 'IDR List' <> Cc: Susan Hares <> Subject: [Idr] Draft agenda of IDR virtual interim on March 30th\\RE: IDR virtual Interims - March 30th and April 8th - Please comment within 8 hours Hi all, Here is the draft agenda of the first IDR virtual interim on March 30th. Please check whether your slot request is included correctly. Presenters, please remember to send your slides to me and CC the chairs by end of March 28th (Saturday). Best regards, Jie IDR Virtual meeting 1: 9-12pm EDT on 3/30/2020 Information about remote participation: Draft agenda: 1. Chairs' slides - 2020 in IDR 10 mins 2. What's next in Flow Specification 20 mins 3. Progress report from Auto-Configuration Design team 20 mins 4. Presentations - new drafts or status updates 80 mins 1) draft-shen-idr-flexible-color-tunnel-selection-01 Draft: Presenter: Yimin Shen Time period: 10 minutes 2) draft-li-ldr-bgp-request-cp-sr-te-policy-01 Draft: Presenter: Huaimo Chen Time period: 10 minutes 3) draft-chen-idr-ctr-availability-00 Draft: Presenter: Huaimo Chen Time period: 10 minutes 4) draft-qin-idr-sr-policy-ifit-00 Draft: Presenter: Giuseppe Fioccola Time period: 10 minutes 5) draft-wang-lsr-ifit-node-capability-advertisement-00 Draft: Presenter: Yali Wang Time period: 10 minutes 6) draft-liu-idr-flowspec-ifit-04 Draft: Presenter: Yali Wang Time period: 10 minutes 7) draft-dunbar-idr-sdwan-port-safi-06 Draft: Presenter: Linda Dunbar Time period: 10 minutes 8) draft-ietf-idr-bgp-open-policy-08 Draft: Presenter: Randy Bush/Alexander Azimov Time period: 10 minutes From: Idr [] On Behalf Of Susan Hares Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2020 12:42 AM To: 'IDR List' <<>> Subject: [Idr] IDR virtual Interims - March 30th and April 8th - Please comment within 8 hours Greetings: The IESG allotted IDR two times slots: March 30th, and April 8th. John and I have decided to sign up for both slots. Virtual interims work best as a combination of discussion topics and draft presentations. The times for the IDR interims will be: 9-12pm on 3/30/2020 These time slots are early for the US-West coast, and late for Japan/China. However, it seems like everyone can attend. Topics: 1) chairs status - 2020 in IDR 2) What's next in Flow Specification 3) Progress report from Auto-Configuration Design team 4) Presentations - new drafts or status updates 9-11pm on 4/8/2020 1) Flow-Specification - Next Generation ideas 2) BGP Model issues 3) Presentations - new drafts or status updates For a draft presentation slot, you need to have an IDR Draft submitted 1 week ahead of the date. For 3/30, you need a draft submitted by 3/23. For 4/8, you need a draft submitted by 4/1. For a presentation for the topic issue: a) Flow specific b) Progress report from Auto-Configuration Design team, c) BGP Model issues, or d) your topic. You only need a slide set. If you are proposing a topic for 4/8/2020, Please send a note to the chairs. Proposing a topic does not mean the topic will be accepted. I will submit a request for these times slots today by 8pm. If you have any wild concerns send a note to the chairs or the list. Cheers, Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] Draft agenda of IDR virtual interim on … Dongjie (Jimmy)