[Idr] 转发: New Version Notification for draft-wu-idr-te-pm-bgp-00.txt

Wangdanhua <wangdanhua@huawei.com> Fri, 12 July 2013 08:30 UTC

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From: Wangdanhua <wangdanhua@huawei.com>
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Hi all,

We submitted a new draft named "BGP attribute for North-Bound Distribution of Traffic Engineering (TE) performance Metric" (draft-wu-idr-te-pm-bgp-00). Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.

Best wishes,
Danhua Wang

发件人: internet-drafts@ietf.org [mailto:internet-drafts@ietf.org] 
发送时间: 2013年7月12日 16:27
收件人: Wangdanhua; Qin Wu; Qin Wu; Wangdanhua
主题: New Version Notification for draft-wu-idr-te-pm-bgp-00.txt

A new version of I-D, draft-wu-idr-te-pm-bgp-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Qin Wu and posted to the
IETF repository.

Filename:	 draft-wu-idr-te-pm-bgp
Revision:	 00
Title:		 BGP attribute for North-Bound Distribution of Traffic Engineering (TE) performance Metric
Creation date:	 2013-07-12
Group:		 Individual Submission
Number of pages: 9
URL:             http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-wu-idr-te-pm-bgp-00.txt
Status:          http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-wu-idr-te-pm-bgp
Htmlized:        http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wu-idr-te-pm-bgp-00

   In order to populate network performance information like link
   latency, latency variation and packet loss into TED and ALTO server,
   this document describes extensions to BGP protocol, that can be used
   to distribute network performance information (such as link delay,
   delay variation, packet loss, residual bandwidth, and available
   bandwidth,link utilization, channel throughput).


The IETF Secretariat