[Idr] Adoption call for draft-dawra-idr-bgpls-srv6-ext [5/2 - 5/16/2018]

"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Thu, 02 May 2019 13:13 UTC

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This begins a 2 week WG Adoption call for draft-dawra-idr-bgpls-srv6




Please consider the following questions in commenting on the 


1)      Does this draft needed support for the SRV6? 

2)      Is this draft a good starting point for the BGP support for SRv6? 

3)      Do you know of any technical issues regarding this draft? 

If so, do these technical issues present any major problems to the technical


4)      Do you know of any existing implementations or any plans for


One special note, if you mentioning technical issues regarding a draft it
can be helpful to the WG.  Our goal is to provide good BGP support of the
Spring BGP-LS work in a timely fashion.  The SRv6 support is key to the
Spring effort - so it would be helpful to mention and get resolved any
issues with this draft. 


Cheerily, Sue Hares