Re: [Idr] Fwd: Some background on the L3VPN Service YANG Model work

<> Thu, 05 March 2015 15:58 UTC

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To: Susan Hares <>, 'Benoit Claise' <>, "" <>
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Hi Susan,

Not directly, L3VPN service module is really an abstraction (no interaction with network elements). But we may expect that systems instantiating this module will translate these abstractions to configuration of network elements that can be done also through NetConf/Yang and here BGP module may be called.

Hope it helps,


From: Idr [] On Behalf Of Susan Hares
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 15:47
To: 'Benoit Claise';
Subject: Re: [Idr] Fwd: Some background on the L3VPN Service YANG Model work


Will there be interaction between the layers of the modules (L3VPN service), and BGP module?


From: Idr [] On Behalf Of Benoit Claise
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 8:55 AM
Subject: [Idr] Fwd: Some background on the L3VPN Service YANG Model work

FYI. Sorry for the potential duplicates.

Regards, Benoit

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Some background on the L3VPN Service YANG Model work


Wed, 04 Mar 2015 14:40:52 +0100


Benoit Claise <><>


Dear all,

Let me give you some background on this new piece of work: The Layer Three Virtual Private Network Service Model (L3SM)

Three months ago, Adrian Farrel and I set up a design team to create a L3VPN service YANG model.
It needs to be clearly understood that this L3VPN service model is not an L3VPN configuration model. That is, it does not provide details for configuring network elements or protocols. Instead it contains the characteristics of the service, as discussed between the operators and their customers.  Therefore, that design team was composed of operators only.

That design team created a first draft:
Now that the draft has been posted, the work and discussion should continue in a public forum, i.e. this<> mailing list.

Next step? we're busy trying to create a new short-lived WG, focusing solely on this L3VPN service YANG model.
See the proposal at
If this WG is created (This proposal is on the IESG telechat this week for external review approval), this would be a good test for the IETF community: are we ready to standardize a first service YANG model? Personally, I believe we are.
IMO, the advantage/driver for this work is explained in the charter proposal:

The deliverable from this working group will provide information to evaluate the

set of YANG models that have already been developed or are under development,

and will help identify any missing models or details.  The deliverable can be

viewed as driving requirements for protocol configuration model so that the

service parameters can be mapped into inputs used by the protocol models.
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Regards, Benoit


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