Re: [Idr] Questions to draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00.txt
"Hu, Jun (Nokia - US/Mountain View)" <> Mon, 18 November 2019 00:13 UTC
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From: "Hu, Jun (Nokia - US/Mountain View)" <>
To: Linda Dunbar <>, "" <>
CC: 'Paul Wouters' <>, 'Benjamin Kaduk' <>, Susan Hares <>
Thread-Topic: [Idr] Questions to draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00.txt
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Subject: Re: [Idr] Questions to draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00.txt
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Hi Linda, I assume your questions are really about draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-01? since draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00 doesn't have figure 4; "Figure 4: does R1 use Subnet A in NLRI? And have Tunnel-Encap with more detailed description on SubnetA<->SubnetB & SubnetA<->Subnet C? " Yes, R1 will advertise subnet-A in NLRI; not sure I understand your 2nd part of the question, but section 2.1 of draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-01 defines local/remote prefix sub-TLV (NLRI could be used for local prefix) "How does R1 need to know that Subnet A and Subnet B needs to communicate ahead of time? " This depends on use case, in this example, both R1 and R2 belong to same admin domain, so this kind of thing could be planned ahead; in other use case, if the remote prefix is not known or user want same Ipsec config for all remote prefix, then an all-zero prefix could be used in remote prefix sub-TLV "In addition, if the network has 4 routers, R1, R2, R3 and R4. Does the Update from R1 include all the <Local- Remote> pairs in each single UPDATE? i.e. when R1 sends out the UPDATE for the Subnet A attached to R1, the UPDATE from R1 has to include Local subnet A <-> remote subnet B on R2 Local subnet A <-> remote subnet D on R3 Local subnet A <-> remote subnet F on R4 Is it correct? If there are 100 nodes in the network, the UPDATE message has to include 100 pairs? " As explained above, it could be done this way, but not necessary; it really depends on granularity user case needs From: Linda Dunbar <> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 8:52 PM To: Linda Dunbar <>; Hu, Jun (Nokia - US/Mountain View) <>; Cc: 'Paul Wouters' <>; 'Benjamin Kaduk' <>; Susan Hares <> Subject: RE: [Idr] Questions to draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00.txt Jun, In addition, if the network has 4 routers, R1, R2, R3 and R4. Does the Update from R1 include all the <Local- Remote> pairs in each single UPDATE? i.e. when R1 sends out the UPDATE for the Subnet A attached to R1, the UPDATE from R1 has to include Local subnet A <-> remote subnet B on R2 Local subnet A <-> remote subnet D on R3 Local subnet A <-> remote subnet F on R4 Is it correct? If there are 100 nodes in the network, the UPDATE message has to include 100 pairs? Linda -----Original Message----- From: Idr <<>> On Behalf Of Linda Dunbar Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2019 8:32 PM To: Hu, Jun (Nokia - US/Mountain View) <<>>;<> Cc: 'Paul Wouters' <<>>; 'Benjamin Kaduk' <<>>; Susan Hares <<>> Subject: [Idr] Questions to draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00.txt Jun, I have some questions on your draft: Figure 4: does R1 use Subnet A in NLRI? And have Tunnel-Encap with more detailed description on SubnetA<->SubnetB & SubnetA<->Subnet C? How does R1 need to know that Subnet A and Subnet B needs to communicate ahead of time? Linda -----Original Message----- From: Idr <<>> On Behalf Of Hu, Jun (Nokia - US/Mountain View) Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 6:46 AM To:<> Cc: 'Paul Wouters' <<>>; 'Benjamin Kaduk' <<>>; Susan Hares <<>> Subject: [Idr] FW: New Version Notification for draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00.txt Hi, Here is a new draft for using BGP to provision IPsec transport mode protected tunnel config; this draft is in companion with draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-01 (Ipsec tunnel mode) to provide a complete solution of using BGP provision IPsec config. Review and comment will be appreciated. -----Original Message----- From:<> <<>> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:41 PM To: Hu, Jun (Nokia - US/Mountain View) <<>>; Hu, Jun (Nokia - US/Mountain View) <<>> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00.txt A new version of I-D, draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode-00.txt has been successfully submitted by Hu Jun and posted to the IETF repository. Name: draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-transport-mode Revision: 00 Title: BGP Provisioned IPsec Transport Mode Protected Tunnel Configuration Document date: 2019-10-10 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 7 URL: Status: Htmlized: Htmlized: Abstract: This document defines a method of using BGP to advertise IPsec transport mode protected tunnel (like GRE tunnel with IPsec transport mode protection) configuration along with NLRI, based on [I-D.ietf-idr-tunnel-encaps] and [I-D.hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec]. Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at The IETF Secretariat _______________________________________________ Idr mailing list<> _______________________________________________ Idr mailing list<>
- [Idr] Questions to draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-tran… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [Idr] Questions to draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [Idr] Questions to draft-hujun-idr-bgp-ipsec-… Hu, Jun (Nokia - US/Mountain View)