[Idr] WG adoption call for draft-merciaz-idr-bgp-bfd-strict-mode-02.txt (9/2 to 9/17/2019)

"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Mon, 02 September 2019 18:02 UTC

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Subject: [Idr] WG adoption call for draft-merciaz-idr-bgp-bfd-strict-mode-02.txt (9/2 to 9/17/2019)
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This begins a 2 week WG adoption call for
draft-merciaz-idr-bgp-bfd-strict-mode-02.txt which you can access at:




For those who have indicated support for this draft during the lengthy IPR
call, you are welcome to comment again

or to trust that the IDR chairs read your comments during the lengthy IPR


Please indicate if you think this draft is a good start for using the BFD

as a check that prevents BGP connectivity until BFD session is established 

(indicating link connectivity).  


Cheerily, Susan Hares