Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Perspective
Jeff Tantsura <> Fri, 20 August 2021 22:59 UTC
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From: Jeff Tantsura <>
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Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 15:59:38 -0700
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Subject: Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Perspective
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Jeff, Many thanks for the analysis and detailed explanation of Junos behavior. It would be great if other vendors would do a similar work and post to the list. Perhaps RFC5004/router-id (in densely meshed eBGP topologies) behavior deserves a good discussion as well. Cheers, Jeff > On Aug 20, 2021, at 14:28, Enke Chen <> wrote: > > > Hi, Jeff: > > Thanks for the pointer to JUNOS's BGP path selection. It's great that the Gated/JUNOS already has some consideration of the "admin-distance" / "preference" in BGP. That should take care of the case described in Sect. 2.1 ("On a single router"). It's not clear to me, though, whether and how the cases described in Sec. 2.2 ("Network-wide behavior") are handled. > > This is just a quick comment. I am still trying to digest your email. > > -- Enke > > >> On Fri, Aug 20, 2021 at 12:22 PM Jeffrey Haas <> wrote: >> Enke & Jenny, >> >> While I'm inclined to say that the matters described in >> draft-chen-bgp-redist aren't a problem, it's probably more reasonable to say >> "this isn't a problem for everyone". >> >> I'm not going to debate what other implementations do. Instead, I'll spend >> the much of my message discussing what the implementation I work on does. >> This does leave us in an interesting headache as a working group whether >> there's more general work to do here that merits discussion as an RFC. >> >> ---- >> >> One thing I will contribute toward some possible need for discussion is the >> sloppy ground that RFC 4271 had with regards to interactions with non-BGP >> protocols. We had quite a difficult time getting the text for this "right" >> and there was multiple pushes to try to NOT discuss non-BGP protocols at >> all. Such discussions got very deep in the internal details of various >> implementations. What we did end up with in RFC 4271 was the following: >> >> The BGP RIBs are a distinct entity from the "Routing Table". >> >> Section 9.1.2 places the best BGP route in the Loc-RIB. >> It also says, "Whether the new BGP route replaces an existing non-BGP route >> in the Routing Table depends on the policy configured on the BGP speaker." >> >> Section 9.1.3 for Route Dissemination then says the following: >> : The Phase 3 decision function is invoked on completion of Phase 2, or >> : when any of the following events occur: >> : [...] >> : b) when locally generated routes learned by means outside of BGP >> : have changed >> : [...] >> : >> : All routes in the Loc-RIB are processed into Adj-RIBs-Out according >> : to configured policy. >> >> So... there's not a lot of normative text there. The last sentence above, >> "configured policy", is the wiggle room the RFC has to say "I'm originating >> a route". >> >> The general call in the RFC to not advertise things you can't forward to >> also provides some level of wiggle room that the best route in the Routing >> Table is what should be redistributed: >> : A route SHALL NOT >> : be installed in the Adj-Rib-Out unless the destination, and NEXT_HOP >> : described by this route, may be forwarded appropriately by the >> : Routing Table. >> >> Anyway, the text is sloppy and discussions about how redistribution is done >> and whether that is shown in the Loc-Rib view or as an override to the >> rib-out manifests in discussions in things like BMP or the Yang modules. >> It's still not as cleanly settled as it should be. >> >> Offering my opinion on this abstract model, I've tended to think about a >> better route in the Routing Table (e.g. a static route with a better admin >> distance/preference) as being selected into the Loc-Rib by considering it a >> route injected via a virtual Adj-Rib-In. But that's just my personal >> justification. >> >> ---- >> >> Juniper's implementation roughly works like the following. Since it's >> derived from GateD heritage, many similar implementations will behave in a >> similar fashion. >> >> In a single routing table, there is a total ordering on all contributors to >> a given destination. >> >> The highest level of ordering is "preference", which roughly corresponds to >> admin-distance. >> >> When routes are BGP routes, the BGP routes are ordered based largely on >> standard RFC rules. The deviations from those rules are the usual vendor >> deviations from standards based on when the later standards were published, >> and the mix of features the operator wants. Examples of deviations are >> whether RFC 5004 is used for temporal vs. router-id based deterministic >> tie-breaking. >> >> BGP routes vs. non-BGP routes are not directly comparable, even when they >> have the same preference, but we have criteria that permits them to be >> selected deterministically. >> >> For non-BGP routes vs. non-BGP routes of two different protocols, we >> similarly will select things deterministically, but may be willing to use >> particular properties of the routes that may be comparable; e.g. metric. >> >> Much of this process is documented here: >> >> >> For the described scenarios in draft-chen-bgp-redist, JUNOS doesn't have >> determinism issues. >> >> In our more recent multi-threaded BGP mode, we at one point in the design >> had an issue somewhat related to the one described in the draft. In our >> implementation, we address the issue by always making the Routing Table and >> the BGP thread always exchange the best route in the local total-ordering. >> >> -- Jeff > _______________________________________________ > Idr mailing list > >
- [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Perspecti… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Robert Raszuk
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Enke Chen
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Jeff Tantsura