Updated potential meeting location list
IETF Executive Director <exec-director@ietf.org> Thu, 20 February 2020 03:34 UTC
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Subject: Updated potential meeting location list
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The IETF Administration LLC has updated the list of locations (cities) that have been assessed for their suitability to hold an IETF meeting [1]. This follows extensive assessment of each city including the solicitation and analysis of community feedback. This update adds 29 cities to the list of those assessed as suitable and 2 to those assessed as unsuitable while 8 are still being assessed. This update is long overdue, for which we apologise, particularly to those that took the time to provide feedback and particularly as some of those cities only now listed as suitable have already been selected for IETF meetings. The cities that have been added to those assessed as suitable are: Austin Athens Barcelona Boston Calgary Chiba Denver Dublin Edinburgh Fukuoka Glasgow Houston Kobe Kyoto Malta Nagoya New Orleans Niigata Osaka Ottawa Philadelphia San Francisco Sapporo Singapore Stockholm Tokyo Toronto Vancouver Washington DC The cities that have been added to those assessed as unsuitable are: Nassau, due to concerns about corporate travel approval Macau, due to concerns about corporate travel approval The cities that are still being assessed are: Busan Helsinki Hyderabad Kolkata Marrakesh New Delhi Panama City Tel Aviv Please note the following important information on the meeting location selection process: * The meeting policy [2] is for an annual rotation between Asia, Europe and North America (the "1-1-1" policy). * The final selection of meeting location is based on a complex set of criteria and so multiple cities are assessed and then multiple cities and venues are visited in each region before a selection is made. This process generally takes some years to complete. * The cities on the list have not yet been chosen to host an IETF meeting, this is an early stage in a long process. * Inclusion on the list as a suitable location does not mean that an IETF meeting will be held in that location, only that it is now a location that we can explore further. * We are working on a mechanism for the community to recommend specific cities, which will involve much more than just nominating a city, and until then we will not be accepting any recommendations. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have questions or comments [1] https://ietf.org/how/meetings/admin/meeting-location-input/ [2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-mtgvenue-meeting-policy/?include_text=1 -- Jay Daley IETF Executive Director exec-director@ietf.org
- Updated potential meeting location list IETF Executive Director