Live Streaming of the IETF 88 Technical Plenary

IAB Chair <> Tue, 29 October 2013 13:10 UTC

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Subject: Live Streaming of the IETF 88 Technical Plenary
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The Technical Plenary session is expected to be popular.  It will be
held on Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013 at 0900 PST, and the agenda is below.
Reporting will be kept to a minimum so that the bulk of the session
can be dedicated to the technical topic.  We have arranged three
speakers, but we expect a very lively open mic discussion to follow.

To help make this session available to everyone, even people that
cannot be in Vancouver, we have decided to live stream the plenary
session.  You can watch the technical plenary at:

On behalf of the IAB,
  Russ Housley
  IAB Chair

= = = = = = = = = =

1.  IAB Chair Report
2.  IRTF Chair Report
3.  RSE and RSOC Chair Report
4.  Technical Topic: Internet Hardening

    New reports of large-scale Internet traffic monitoring appear almost
    every day.  We were all aware that targeted interception was taking
    place, but the scale and scope in the recent reports is surprising.
    Such scale was not envisaged during the design of many Internet
    protocols; the threat is quite different than expected.  Now, the
    Internet community must consider the consequences.

    While details of these attack techniques remain largely unknown, we
    can talk about possible ways to harden the Internet in light of
    pervasive Internet monitoring.  We can take a closer look at our
    protocols and the security properties that they provide.

    A panel will summarize recent discussions and suggest potential IETF
    actions to make large-scale monitoring more difficult.

    a.  Introduction (Bruce Schneier)

        What we know and what we do not know.

    b.  Earlier IETF Debates (Brian Carpenter)

        The IETF has several cornerstone documents about Internet
        security and privacy, including RFCs 1984, 3365, 2804, and 6973.

    c.  Potential IETF Activities (Stephen Farrell)

        Summary of the discussion on the perpass mailing list.

5.  Open Mic