Extended Community Call for Comments: <draft-rswg-rfc7990-updates-10> (RFC Formats and Versions)
IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat@ietf.org> Mon, 24 June 2024 08:37 UTC
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Subject: Extended Community Call for Comments: <draft-rswg-rfc7990-updates-10> (RFC Formats and Versions)
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The RSAB is extending the community call for comments for draft-rswg-rfc7990-updates-10. This draft allows the RPC to change the XML of RFCs that have already been published. The RFC Series Approval Board (RSAB) has received a request from the RFC Series WG (RSWG) to approve the following document as informational RFC on the editorial stream: <draft-rswg-rfc7990-updates-10> (RFC Formats and Versions) Following RFC 9280, the RSAB solicits final comments from a wide range of communities. Please send substantive comments to the rsab@rfc-editor.org mailing lists by 2024-07-08. Please retain the beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting. Abstract In order to improve the readability of RFCs while supporting their archivability, the definitive version of the RFC Series transitioned from plain-text ASCII to XML using the RFCXML vocabulary; different publication versions are rendered from that base document. This document describes how RFCs are published. This document obsoletes RFC 7990. This document also updates the stability policy in RFC 9280. A URL of this Internet-Draft is: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-rswg-rfc7990-updates/ The RSAB would like to bring special attention to the fact that this document, which replaces RFC7990 to update the terminology and current RFC publication practice, also changes to the properties of the RFC series as currently outlined in RFC9280. This change means that once an RFC is published, the definitive and publication versions of an RFC will no longer be immutable, but may be updated by the RPC, with the utmost care being given to preserve the original semantic content.
- Extended Community Call for Comments: <draft-rswg… IETF Secretariat