IAB Call for IAOC Nominations 2013

"IAB Chair" <iab-chair@iab.org> Thu, 11 October 2012 12:54 UTC

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From: IAB Chair <iab-chair@iab.org>
To: ietf-announce@ietf.org
Subject: IAB Call for IAOC Nominations 2013
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 05:55:08 -0700
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This is a call for nominations for the IAB appointment to the IETF
Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC). The nomination period will close
on 2 November 2012. 


IAOC membership is described in BCP 101 (RFC 4071) Section 4, with selection
guidelines and process documented in BCP 113 (RFC 4333).  In alternate
years. The IESG and the IAB each select one person for a two-year IAOC term.
This year, the IAB will select one person for a term beginning in the Spring
of 2013.  Note that NomCom is also selecting an IAOC member.


The incumbent is Bob Hinden.


Candidates for these IAOC positions should have knowledge of the IETF,
knowledge of contracts and financial procedures, and familiarity with the
administrative support needs of the IAB, the IESG, and the IETF standards
process.  Candidates are also expected to be able to understand the
respective roles and responsibilities of the IETF and ISOC in this activity,
and be able to articulate these roles within the IETF community.


Acceptable candidates must be prepared to exercise all the duties of an IAOC
member.  These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the setting
(in consultation with the community and after carefully considering their
input) of administrative support policies, oversight of the administrative
operations of the IETF, and representing the interests of the IETF to the
IAOC.  Acceptable candidates must be able to undertake full participation in
all IAOC meetings and activities.


The IAB-selected member of the IAOC does not directly represent the IAB.
The IAB and IESG selected members are accountable directly to the IETF
community.  As such, candidates do not need to be current members of the IAB
or the IESG and, in fact, we prefer nominations and volunteers from the rest
of the community.


If you are interested in one of these positions, or know of someone who may
be a good fit for this position, please send the name and email address to


The IAB will respond with a questionnaire, asking for the candidates'
qualifications and willingness to serve.


The names of all people who declare themselves willing to serve will be made
public on the ietf-announce@ietf.org list after the end of the solicitation
period.  The plan is to post the list of candidates before 5 November 2012.


The IAB expects to make a decision on or around 30 November 2012. 


On Behalf of the IAB,

Bernard Aboba, IAB Chair