IANA "Office Hours" at IETF-76 in Hiroshima
Michelle Cotton <michelle.cotton@icann.org> Tue, 03 November 2009 22:49 UTC
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From: Michelle Cotton <michelle.cotton@icann.org>
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Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 14:52:04 -0800
Subject: IANA "Office Hours" at IETF-76 in Hiroshima
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Greetings! The IANA will be holding "Office Hours" at the IETF-76 in Hiroshima. This will continue to give everyone an opportunity to discuss IANA Considerations in your documents, requests for registrations in existing registries or any other questions you may have. The IANA will have a table near the IETF registration area, staffed during the following hours: Monday - Wednesday, 0900 - 1600 (May also have additional hours on Thursday) Thank you and see you soon! Michelle Cotton Manager, IETF Relations ICANN/IANA
- IANA "Office Hours" at IETF-76 in Hiroshima Michelle Cotton
- IANA "Office Hours" at IETF-77 in Anaheim Michelle Cotton
- IANA "Office Hours" at IETF-78 in Maastricht Michelle Cotton
- IANA "Office Hours" at IETF-78 in Beijing Michelle Cotton
- IANA "Office Hours" at IETF-80 in Prague Michelle Cotton