69th IETF - Registration

IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat@ietf.org> Tue, 17 April 2007 16:51 UTC

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69th IETF Meeting
Chicago, IL, USA
July 22-27, 2007

Registration is now open for the 69th IETF Meeting!

You can register on line at: 

Registration Information:
Early-Bird Registration - USD 600.00

If you register and pay for your attendance to the IETF-69 before NOON ET
(16:00 UTC/GMT), Friday, 13 July 2007, then the price for registration is
USD 600.00. 
After Early-Bird cutoff - USD 750.00
You can still register and pay online at USD 750.00 until 17:00 ET (21:00
UTC/GMT), Saturday, 21 July 2007.

Full-time Student Registrations - USD 150.00

Full-time students with proper ID are eligible to receive a special USD
150.00 student rate. Student rate is no longer subject to any late-fees.
Students will also be able to register on-site at the special student
rate. Failure to provide valid student ID on-site will revoke the special
student status. 


The cut-off for registration cancellation is Monday, 16 July at 17:00
ET-US (21:00 UTC/GMT).  Cancellations are subject to a 10% cancellation
fee if requested by that date and time.

Onsite Registration

You can register onsite at the meeting in Chicago, IL, USA starting
Sunday, 22 July at 12:00 noon (local time).

The IETF meetings start Monday morning and run through Friday lunchtime,
with late scheduling changes.  Most training session take place on Sunday
afternoon 22 July.  Participants should plan their travel accordingly.

The IETF Secretariat

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