Community Input on change to the Trust Legal Provisions to accommodate the inclusion of RFC Templates
Tobias Gondrom <> Tue, 27 January 2015 14:23 UTC
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Dear IETFers, The IETF Trust has been requested by the IESG and RFC Editor to provide a license in cases where RFCs contain Templates. The Trustees propose modifying the Trust Legal Provisions (TLP) based upon a need to extract and fill in text from RFCs that contain Templates. E.g. the Internet-Draft draft-ietf-sidr-cps-04 contains a Template for others to copy and modify. Under the normal TLP provisions this would be considered a derivative work and not permitted. The current TLP is here: <>. The Trustees’ response is a proposed change to the TLP that addresses the issue for this and future RFCs. The change enables specific text in an RFC that is designated as a Template to be subject to a new provision in the TLP that says that extraction and modification are authorized. The Trustees are considering the following language changes to the TLP to permit the modification of RFC Templates: 9. Template Text a. Certain RFCs may contain text designated as “Template Text” by the inclusion of the following legend in the introduction to the RFC: “This RFC contains text intended for use as a template as designated below by the markers <BEGIN TEMPLATE TEXT> and <END TEMPLATE TEXT> or other clear designation. Such Template Text is subject to the provisions of Section 9(b) of the Trust Legal Provisions.” b. In addition to the other rights granted under the TLP with respect to each RFC, the Trust grants to all interested persons a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual right and license under all copyrights and rights of authors to make, reproduce, publish and distribute modifications of the Template Text (e.g., to insert specific information in place of blanks or place-holders), and reproduce, modify and distribute such modified Template Text. We would like hear your thoughts on changing the Trust Legal Provisions to accommodate the inclusion of RFC Templates. Comments will be considered that are received through 25th February. Thank you for your assistance. Tobias Gondrom Chair, IETF Trust
- Community Input on change to the Trust Legal Prov… Tobias Gondrom