IAOC Selection Announcement.

IAB Chair <iab-chair@iab.org> Wed, 19 January 2011 09:12 UTC

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Dear Colleagues,

The IAB is responsible for selecting one IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) member for a two-year term starting
in March 2011.  The selection was made in accordance with BCP 101 and BCP 113.

A call for nominations was issued on 4 November 2010. Nominations for five candidates were received and four of them were willing to serve.  All three people that accepted the nomination were very strong candidates and their names were announced on 13 December 2010.

After obtaining written input from all nominees and feedback from the community on all of them, the IAB discussed which candidate to choose.  After significant discussion, the IAB decided to appoint Bob Hinden to this position.

The IAB thanks all nominees for their willingness to serve the IETF community.

 On Behalf of the IAB,
 Olaf Kolkman (IAB Chair)

The Internet Architecture Board