IPROC team and IANA
IETF Chair <chair@ietf.org> Mon, 21 July 2014 17:43 UTC
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While talking to several people this week, I noticed that not everyone is aware of a small team that we have for tracking and improving IANA operations from an IETF perspective. I just wanted to send a pointer to the team’s page: http://www.ietf.org/iana/iproc.html The team’s primary responsibility is to help IAB and IAOC in their oversight role, by tracking monthly operational statistics and events. One of the main tasks is to provide assistance to update the yearly service level agreement between IETF and ICANN. For instance, for this year we have added a requirement for a public audit, which when completed, will provide visibility to ensure that correct policies were followed when allocations have been made. The team is chaired by IAB chair (Russ Housley) and has members from the IAB, IAOC, IESG, the IAB IANA program, and the ICANN IANA department. Ongoing measurements of IANA operations can be accessed from http://www.iana.org/about/performance/ietf-statistics/ Jari Arkko IETF Chair
- IPROC team and IANA IETF Chair