RFI: Agenda Tool

IETF Administrative Director <iad@ietf.org> Wed, 29 February 2012 15:43 UTC

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This is a Request for Information (RFI).  The purpose of this RFI is to obtain feedback from the IETF community on the Statement of Work (SOW), identify potential suppliers and developers for an IETF Meeting Agenda Creation Tool, and to seek comments on the (SOW) from such suppliers/developers to inform the preparation of a possible RFP. 

The IETF Meeting Agenda Creation Tool will manage all meeting scheduling and space allocation associated with regular IETF meetings. These meetings occur three times a year, take place over 7 days with between 250 and 300 distinct sessions each, between 8 and 12 of these sessions taking place concurrently.  Currently the scheduling is being done manually by the IETF Secretariat. 

Examples of the IETF Meeting schedule for IETF 82 meeting in Taipei can be found here:

The RFI can be found at: http://iaoc.ietf.org/rfpsrfis.html

Expressions of interest from potential bidders and all SOW comments are due by 27 March 2012 and should be submitted to agenda-tool@ietf.org.  See the RFI for more details.

Questions about this RFI can be addressed to agenda-tool@ietf.org by 9 March 2012.
All questions and answers will be posted on the website at http://iaoc.ietf.org/rfpsrfis.html.
The identity of the question's originator will not be disclosed.

All information submitted in response to this announcement is voluntary and may be used in the development of the RFP.

Ray Pelletier
IETF Administrative Director