RFC Editor Automation of Stats and Reports Project SOW for Community Input
IETF Administrative Director <iad@ietf.org> Thu, 04 September 2014 01:28 UTC
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Subject: RFC Editor Automation of Stats and Reports Project SOW for Community Input
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The IAOC intends to seek bids for a project to automate the generation of RFC Editor statistics and reports and desires community input on a draft Statement of Work. The SOW is located here: <http://iaoc.ietf.org/rfps.html>. The community comment period ends 21 September 2014. The IAOC will consider all comments received during this period. Overview Over time, the RFC Editor’s list of statistics and report products have grown, and maintaining them requires significant manual effort. This project will automate the generation of these statistics and reports. This includes the monthly production of reports at https://www.rfc-editor.org/reports/, and episodic creations of presentations for meetings with the community. This project will additionally automate the production of two new report artifacts. Deliverables/Tasks The developer will work with the RFC production center staff to: 1. Identify any changes to the database needed to facilitate report production without the current manual transcription, and implement those changes. 2. Identify changes in the look of the needed reports, particularly those needed to indicate the current month information is ‘to-date’. 3. Design the format for two new reports artifacts. 4. Design and implement a mechanism to produce the needed reports on-demand. 5. Provide a mechanism to export the data used for the reports for use with programs like Excel to facilitate ad-hoc reporting. 6. Integrate the report generation mechanism with http://www.rfc-editor.org/reports. 7. Provide a set of tests appropriate for regression testing for all software created by this project demonstrating correct operation. 8. Provide documentation and training for the RFC Production Center staff. All information submitted in response to this announcement is voluntary and may be used in the development of the SOW. Thanks for your continuing advice and support. Ray Pelletier IETF Administrative Director
- RFC Editor Automation of Stats and Reports Projec… IETF Administrative Director