IAOC Call for Nominees
Danny McPherson <danny@arbor.net> Tue, 05 April 2005 12:48 UTC
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The 2004/05 Nominations Committee is making a call for volunteers/nominees for the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), as described in the approved BCP (draft-ietf-iasa-bcp-07). The NomCom will select one person for one year, ending 2006, and one person for two years. The two NomCom-appointed IAOC members will be chosen using the procedures described in RFC 3777. Candidates for these IAOC positions should have knowledge of the IETF, knowledge of contracts and financial procedures, and familiarity with the administrative support needs of the IAB, the IESG, and the IETF standards process The candidates are also expected to be able to understand the respective roles and responsibilities of the IETF and ISOC in this activity, and be able to articulate these roles within the IETF community. The candidates will also be expected to exercise all the duties of an IAOC member, and to be prepared to undertake any associated responsibilities, including the setting of administrative support policies, oversight of the administrative operations of the IETF, representing the interests of the IETF to the IAOC, and be able to undertake full participation in all Committee meetings and Committee activities. Therefore, demonstrated experience in management, especially with budget authority, executive duties, or board-level fiduciary responsibility is desirable. If you are interested in one of these positions, or know of someone who may be a good fit for this position, please send the name and email address to <nomcom04@ietf.org>. The call for nominations period ends on May 4, 2005. Thanks! Your 2004/05 NomCom: Voting Members: Alia Atlas Andrew Lange Chris Liljenstolpe Juha Wiljakka Lakshminath Dondeti Magnus Westerlund Markus Isomaki Matt Larson Russ White Stewart Bryant Non-voting Members: Danny McPherson (Chair) Eric Rescorla (IAB Liaison) Alex Zinin (IESG Liaison) Steve Crocker (ISOC Liaison) Richard Draves (Previous Chair/Advisor) _______________________________________________ IETF-Announce mailing list IETF-Announce@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-announce
- IAOC Call for Nominees Danny McPherson