Re: [ietf-types] Request for review of standards tree registration request for OpenXPS

Paul Libbrecht <> Mon, 31 January 2011 20:55 UTC

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Hello Brian, 

Le 31 janv. 2011 à 19:33, Brian Clubb a écrit :
> While the OpenXPS package contains XML, the document itself requires the hierarchical tree structure of pages and resources to be functional.  It is intended that only a complete OpenXPS document would ever be posted to the clipboard.  

Sure. Only well formed data here (and well formedness is more than XML's).

> Posting a fragment of an OpenXPS file to the clipboard would not be a useful scenario in the same way that I understand it would work in MathML or SVG.  The resource tree in OpenXPS is integral to its functionality.

But that is clear.
It doesn't remove the usefulness of such a thing.

As I said, PDF is the preferred flavor for vector graphics on MacOSX.
And rest assured that copying from a page of a 200 pages book with Apple Preview does not create a PDF with  many pages when copying a rectangle.

Earlier examples on the mac of such transfers include the PICT format and the Adobe "AIFB" (?? I think ??) format which was taken huge time to be produced when you had just copied something, say, in PhotoShop and was switching away from it (in MaOS 7-9, I suppose the same must have been done on Windows).

> For example, copying the XML for a fixed page out of one file onto the clipboard would not take into account the image and font resources which are stored in other locations in the OpenXPS file.  

That's the duty of the clipboard exporter. A normal composition programme can do that but viewers may have difficulties "at first", this is true.

In the very same fashion copying html in a browser also inlines all the styles (even coming from very far from this element) when going out to, say, an email or word-processing application (in html or rtf).

> Furthermore, re-integrating that page markup into the structure of another OpenXPS file would be extraordinarily complex.  If one were to wish to copy pages from one OpenXPS file to another, they would need to create a complete OpenXPS package containing just the required pages plus the required resources from the original OpenXPS package then post the new OpenXPS file to the clipboard.  The consuming application would then be able to access that file and its resources reliably and logically insert the pages and resources into their OpenXPS document package as needed.

I'm sure this can be and has been already done.

> If an application such as an XPS Viewer were to allow selecting and copying of the text or image elements displayed on the screen, that data would be placed on the clipboard as text or whatever image format the application chooses to provide,

And one day that format might be openXPS.

> but posting the markup for the selection to the clipboard would not provide the relevant resource data and hierarchy and would thus be unusable as OpenXPS at that point.

no markup only copy.

> I believe, then, that it is correct to say that the clipboard format would always be a complete OpenXPS file with .oxps extension.  It is the only format for the clipboard that would provide the required interoperability between OpenXPS-consuming applications.

I think this is correct.
