[ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +json media types
Nathan <nathan@webr3.org> Thu, 30 September 2010 19:27 UTC
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Hi, I'm currently working on / experimenting with two JSON based media-types, the first is a JSON based serialization of Notation 3, the other a JSON based serialization of N-Triples. I've got to the point now where I have implementations of both and need to content-negotiate over them, thus my initial question is what media type should I use in the interim whilst experimenting? For a later date, if I were to move towards seeking registration, would the best approach be to work on the specifications out with any standards body, or to do the work as an internet-draft, or? Would the recommended approach be to work towards a json-schema approach or towards a "+json" type? And finally, for JSON based media-types do you have any special considerations or gotcha's I should be taking in to account at an early stage? Best & TIA for any response, Nathan
- [ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +json m… Nathan
- Re: [ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +js… Kris Zyp
- Re: [ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +js… Gregg Kellogg
- Re: [ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +js… Sandro Hawke
- Re: [ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +js… Nathan
- Re: [ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +js… Nathan
- Re: [ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +js… Sandro Hawke
- Re: [ietf-types] Q's regarding development of +js… mike amundsen