[ietf-types] Registration of media type application/vnd.iptc.g2.newsmessage+xml

"Michael Steidl \(IPTC\)" <mdirector@iptc.org> Mon, 19 September 2011 07:23 UTC

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Subject: [ietf-types] Registration of media type application/vnd.iptc.g2.newsmessage+xml
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Media Type Name: application


Subtype name: vnd.iptc.g2.newsmessage+xml


Required parameters: none


Optional parameters: charset

identical to the charset parameter on application/xml as described

in RFC 3023 [RFC3023] section 3.2


Encoding considerations: Identical to those of application/xml as

described in RFC 3023, section 3.2


Security considerations: In regards to general XML Security issues,

identical to those of "application/xml" as described in RFC3023,

section 10. Beyond these general XML Security issues, the media

type does not contain active or executable content. The information

contained in the media type does not require privacy or integrity

services, however the media type does support the use of the XML

syntax and processing rules for creating and representing digital

signatures as described by RFC3275.


Interoperability considerations:


Published specification:


NewsML-G2 version 2.9 specifications








Applications which use this media type: none


Additional information:


Magic number(s): none


File extension(s): .xml


Macintosh File Type Code(s): Identical to those of

"application/xml" as described in RFC3023, "TEXT"


Windows Clipboard Flavor Name: "IPTC NewsMessage XML"


Macintosh Uniform Type Identifier: org.iptc.newsmessage conforms to public.xml


Object Identifier(s) or OID(s):

It must be possible to positively identify an Item as it moves

through the news workflow, and is transferred from place to place

and from system to system. An Item therefore gets a globally

unique identifier (guid), which is a persistent, universally unique

identifier, and a version which is incremented when the content of

the Item is updated. The first version is numbered 1: if the version

is not explicitly set, this value must be assumed by the recipient of

the Item. The guid is required to be in the form of a IRI. Any IRI

capable of acting as a globally unique identifier is accepted; the

IPTC provides a standard for this purpose in the form of an IETF RFC



Intended usage:


A News Message is a wrapper of one or more IPTC G2 items for 

distribution and transmission purposes. It provides transmission-specific 

properties in a header which is shared by all included IPTC G2 items.


Other Information/General Comment: none


Person to contact for further information:

Name: Michael Steidl

E-mail: mdirector@iptc.org


Author/Change controller:

Name: Michael Steidl

E-mail: mdirector@iptc.org




Michael Steidl

Managing Director of the IPTC [mdirector@iptc.org]

International Press Telecommunications Council 
Web:  <http://www.iptc.org/> www.iptc.org - on Twitter  <http://www.twitter.com/IPTC> @IPTC

Business office address: 

20 Garrick Street, London WC2E 9BT, United Kingdom

Registered in England, company no 101096