Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 31 October 2008 04:53 UTC

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Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 00:53:01 -0400
From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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To: ietf@ietf.org
Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org
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Total of 50 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Oct 31 00:53:01 EDT 2008
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  2.00% |    1 | 29.13% |   133892 | edj@nortel.com
 16.00% |    8 | 11.24% |    51641 | tglassey@earthlink.net
  6.00% |    3 |  8.52% |    39144 | pbaker@verisign.com
  8.00% |    4 |  4.76% |    21889 | ben@estacado.net
  6.00% |    3 |  4.64% |    21313 | david_hankins@isc.org
  6.00% |    3 |  3.55% |    16323 | christian.vogt@nomadiclab.com
  6.00% |    3 |  3.39% |    15562 | housley@vigilsec.com
  4.00% |    2 |  3.71% |    17069 | agmalis@gmail.com
  4.00% |    2 |  3.11% |    14313 | manav@alcatel-lucent.com
  4.00% |    2 |  2.84% |    13058 | randy_presuhn@mindspring.com
  4.00% |    2 |  2.53% |    11607 | ben@nostrum.com
  4.00% |    2 |  2.05% |     9423 | dotis@mail-abuse.org
  2.00% |    1 |  2.92% |    13406 | m.handley@cs.ucl.ac.uk
  2.00% |    1 |  1.85% |     8516 | doug.mtview@gmail.com
  2.00% |    1 |  1.66% |     7614 | yu-shun.wang@microsoft.com
  2.00% |    1 |  1.58% |     7252 | thierry.moreau@connotech.com
  2.00% |    1 |  1.43% |     6590 | ole@cisco.com
  2.00% |    1 |  1.37% |     6305 | narten@us.ibm.com
  2.00% |    1 |  1.27% |     5856 | jeroen@unfix.org
  2.00% |    1 |  1.25% |     5742 | tbray@textuality.com
  2.00% |    1 |  1.23% |     5632 | marc@let.de
  2.00% |    1 |  1.12% |     5147 | michael.dillon@bt.com
  2.00% |    1 |  1.12% |     5131 | john-ietf@jck.com
  2.00% |    1 |  1.03% |     4747 | swb@employees.org
  2.00% |    1 |  1.03% |     4727 | peter@peter-dambier.de
  2.00% |    1 |  0.88% |     4024 | tme@multicasttech.com
  2.00% |    1 |  0.80% |     3655 | jaap@nlnetlabs.nl
100.00% |   50 |100.00% |   459578 | Total
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