Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligibility-02.txt
"Adrian Farrel" <> Tue, 21 August 2012 10:10 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <>
Subject: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligibility-02.txt
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 11:10:30 +0100
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Hi, I have one discussion point and a number of small nits... Cheers, Adrian --- Discussion point. The Abstract makes it clear that the purpose of the document is to handle the (new) IAOC and to resolve uncertainty about liaisons and ex-officio members of the IAB, IESG, and IAOC. This seems reasonable to me. However, the document very quickly launches into a discussion of other people to exclude from NomCom. It does this by introducing the concept of a "conflict of interest." There may be a valid debate to have about conflict of interest, but I personally find it a very long wedge, and although there may be clear-cut cases at either extreme, it is by no means clear where to draw the line. I find the excuse used (that those excluded are unlikely to volunteer) as rather poor taste. It may be true that such people have not volunteered in the past, but that should not be used as a reason. You are removing rights that people previously had - you should have good, stand-alone reasons and not depend on whether or not earlier holders of certain posts exercised those rights. So: 1. Since I think that CoI is a label on a really nasty box you don't want to open, I would prefer you to not use the term. You do perfectly well when you say: This document also excludes certain individuals who are directly paid for their work with the IETF... I think you can leave it at that. 2. Please align the Abstract and the content by updating the Abstract to mention exclusion of paid individuals. 3. Please don't lean on RFC 3777 for the introduction of CoI to this document (you do this in Section 1). RFC 3777 does not use the term and does not appear to have any text that is related to the concept. If you believe there is good reason to exclude volunteers from NomCom, you should make that case in this document. 4. Remove the commentary on whether those excluded are or are not likely to volunteer. --- Section 1 (petty) OLD The selection of the NomCom, therefore, excludes those individuals who are in top leadership positions currently. NEW The selection of the NomCom, therefore, excludes those individuals who are in top leadership positions at the time of selection. END The point being that it is not those in the positions on 8/18/12 who are excluded. --- Section 1 (punctuation) RFC 3777 specifies that "sitting members" of the IAB and IESG "may not volunteer to serve on the nominating committee". Since that document was written the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) was formed, and that body is not covered by RFC 3777. There is also uncertainty about whether ex-officio members liaisons, and such are included as "sitting members". s/members liaisons/members, liaisons/ --- Section 1 (tone) OLD This document also excludes certain individuals who are directly paid for their work with the IETF, and who, therefore, have a direct personal financial incentive in the selection of the leadership boards. NEW This document also excludes certain individuals who are directly paid for their work with the IETF, and who, therefore, might have a direct personal financial incentive in the selection of the leadership boards. END Let us not assume that the system is completely corrupt! --- Section 2 (editorial) The section title is wrong. You probably need "Changes to RFC 37777" Then you have: OLD This document makes the following updates to add the IAOC to certain of the processes that are not covered there. NEW This document makes the following updates to add the IAOC to certain of the processes, and to introduce other small process changes as described in Section 1. END ...and delete Note that the change below to Section 4, bullet 15 also puts additional restrictions on who may volunteer as a voting member of the NomCom. --- 15.2. People serving in the IETF Secretariat and the RFC Editor may not volunteer to serve as voting members of the nominating committee. Slight problem with the term "RFC Editor" since this is a single person and also a service function. I suspect you mean the latter. --- o In bullet 16, to correct an erratum, the last paragraph is replaced by this: One possible selection method is described in RFC 3797 [1]. Perfectly correct, but I don't think this document is the place to correct random errata.
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Bob Hinden
- Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligibili… Adrian Farrel
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Barry Leiba
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Donald Eastlake
- RE: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Adrian Farrel
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Barry Leiba
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Barry Leiba
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… S Moonesamy
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Bob Hinden
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Barry Leiba
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… John C Klensin
- Re: Some thoughts about draft-leiba-3777upd-eligi… Margaret Wasserman