Re: how to contact the IETF

Ofer Inbar <> Mon, 09 February 2009 23:45 UTC

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Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 18:45:03 -0500
From: Ofer Inbar <>
To: Alex Loret de Mola <>
Subject: Re: how to contact the IETF
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Alex Loret de Mola <> wrote:
> Dear Carsten: (And others who feel upset at the recent development)
> As someone who's been a (mostly silent, but frequently reading) member
> of this mailing list, I can understand your concern.  However, can you
> propose a better way for them to contact members of the IETF?

This stems from a misunderstanding of IETF process.  What they're
doing is indeed "contacting" the IETF to express an opinion, as if
we're a political lobby.  IETF decisions don't get made by counting
votes, as you know.  There's no value in having lots and lots of
people write to say essentially the same thing - it just annoys list
members, but doesn't actually contribute to the discussion.

If people want to *participate in discussion* they can *subscribe*.

If people want to *raise new points to be discussed* then a well
thought out message raising those new points would be called for.
It does not need to be repeated 50 times.  Two or three is enough :)
  -- Cos