Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 20 July 2007 04:53 UTC

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Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 00:53:01 -0400
From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Total of 105 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Jul 20 00:53:01 EDT 2007
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
 16.19% |   17 | 16.01% |   108576 | moore@cs.utk.edu
  7.62% |    8 | 12.05% |    81668 | pbaker@verisign.com
  7.62% |    8 |  7.68% |    52063 | itojun@itojun.org
  5.71% |    6 |  4.98% |    33731 | hannes.tschofenig@gmx.net
  4.76% |    5 |  4.37% |    29617 | iljitsch@muada.com
  3.81% |    4 |  4.60% |    31203 | dotis@mail-abuse.org
  4.76% |    5 |  3.55% |    24087 | joelja@bogus.com
  3.81% |    4 |  3.54% |    24013 | mshore@cisco.com
  2.86% |    3 |  3.98% |    27010 | csp@csperkins.org
  3.81% |    4 |  2.97% |    20141 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  3.81% |    4 |  2.95% |    20035 | michael.dillon@bt.com
  3.81% |    4 |  2.89% |    19569 | housley@vigilsec.com
  2.86% |    3 |  3.36% |    22793 | raeburn@mit.edu
  2.86% |    3 |  3.33% |    22585 | stephen@sprunk.org
  2.86% |    3 |  2.41% |    16363 | baptista@publicroot.org
  2.86% |    3 |  1.89% |    12837 | julian.reschke@gmx.de
  0.95% |    1 |  3.07% |    20811 | alh-ietf@tndh.net
  1.90% |    2 |  1.75% |    11897 | hardie@qualcomm.com
  0.95% |    1 |  1.69% |    11455 | jordi.palet@consulintel.es
  0.95% |    1 |  1.26% |     8534 | ietfdbh@comcast.net
  0.95% |    1 |  1.05% |     7107 | john-ietf@jck.com
  0.95% |    1 |  0.96% |     6489 | narten@us.ibm.com
  0.95% |    1 |  0.90% |     6091 | jgunn6@csc.com
  0.95% |    1 |  0.82% |     5570 | llynch@civil-tongue.net
  0.95% |    1 |  0.80% |     5398 | dean.willis@softarmor.com
  0.95% |    1 |  0.79% |     5386 | roy@dnss.ec
  0.95% |    1 |  0.74% |     5033 | philip_matthews@magma.ca
  0.95% |    1 |  0.73% |     4933 | johnl@iecc.com
  0.95% |    1 |  0.68% |     4614 | tme@multicasttech.com
  0.95% |    1 |  0.64% |     4313 | dave@cridland.net
  0.95% |    1 |  0.63% |     4245 | tjc@ecs.soton.ac.uk
  0.95% |    1 |  0.61% |     4105 | sml@lordsargon.com
  0.95% |    1 |  0.59% |     4022 | jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu
  0.95% |    1 |  0.59% |     4019 | shogunx@sleekfreak.ath.cx
  0.95% |    1 |  0.58% |     3923 | dhc2@dcrocker.net
  0.95% |    1 |  0.56% |     3768 | ietf@andybierman.com
100.00% |  105 |100.00% |   678004 | Total

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