Urgent: TLS authorization standard proposal
"Leslie P. Polzer" <polzer@stardawn.org> Mon, 09 February 2009 19:16 UTC
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Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 20:15:57 +0100
Subject: Urgent: TLS authorization standard proposal
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Hello, since Feb 2006 there is an ongoing proposal for an IETF standard on "TLS authorization". Unfortunately this standard is encumbered by a patent from RedPhone Security. While this company has agreed to provide a royalty-free license for implementors it has so far refrained from doing so for users. For me as an engineer this makes the proposed standard not only worthless but also -- because it's aiming to become an IETF standard -- dangerous. I only see two possibilities: Either RedPhone Security will provide a royalty-free license for both users and developers or the IETF must decline to approve the standard. In my experience the IETF is a reasonable organization who has so far always worked on standards that are both open and free to everyone. I will therefore assume that you will consider this issue carefully and decide on a reasonable solution, most likely one of the two I have just explained. Thank you! Leslie P. Polzer Independent IT Professional -- LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/polzer Xing Profile: https://www.xing.com/profile/LeslieP_Polzer Blog: http://blog.viridian-project.de/
- Urgent: TLS authorization standard proposal Leslie P. Polzer