Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

narten@us.ibm.com Fri, 03 June 2016 04:53 UTC

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Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 00:53:03 -0400
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Total of 81 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Jun  3 00:53:03 EDT 2016
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  7.41% |    6 | 10.66% |    93068 | lloyd.wood@yahoo.co.uk
  6.17% |    5 |  6.22% |    54351 | lorenzo@google.com
  4.94% |    4 |  3.68% |    32098 | john-ietf@jck.com
  4.94% |    4 |  3.56% |    31131 | marco@lamehost.it
  3.70% |    3 |  4.06% |    35421 | ldaigle@thinkingcat.com
  3.70% |    3 |  3.80% |    33204 | ron.even.tlv@gmail.com
  3.70% |    3 |  3.77% |    32941 | barryleiba@computer.org
  3.70% |    3 |  2.81% |    24554 | melinda.shore@gmail.com
  1.23% |    1 |  3.82% |    33382 | ted.ietf@gmail.com
  2.47% |    2 |  2.45% |    21429 | christer.holmberg@ericsson.com
  1.23% |    1 |  3.40% |    29718 | dave.hood@ericsson.com
  2.47% |    2 |  1.93% |    16883 | mhammer@ag.com
  2.47% |    2 |  1.67% |    14555 | fgont@si6networks.com
  2.47% |    2 |  1.59% |    13862 | nick@foobar.org
  2.47% |    2 |  1.37% |    11970 | mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
  2.47% |    2 |  1.30% |    11374 | johnl@taugh.com
  1.23% |    1 |  2.22% |    19425 | marc.blanchet@viagenie.ca
  1.23% |    1 |  2.13% |    18598 | james.seng@gmail.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.90% |    16605 | wmills_92105@yahoo.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.77% |    15419 | mellon@fugue.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.65% |    14453 | pedroa.aranda@telefonica.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.63% |    14215 | gregskinner0@icloud.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.58% |    13821 | stephen.strowes@gmail.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.52% |    13258 | narten@us.ibm.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.50% |    13105 | leifj@mnt.se
  1.23% |    1 |  1.49% |    12986 | robert@raszuk.net
  1.23% |    1 |  1.46% |    12777 | jari.arkko@piuha.net
  1.23% |    1 |  1.36% |    11864 | ietf@trammell.ch
  1.23% |    1 |  1.30% |    11388 | robert@ocallahan.org
  1.23% |    1 |  1.18% |    10282 | ynir.ietf@gmail.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.17% |    10259 | jamie@dotgay.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.14% |     9938 | kathleen.moriarty.ietf@gmail.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.13% |     9892 | mstjohns@comcast.net
  1.23% |    1 |  1.12% |     9814 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.12% |     9788 | dean.willis@softarmor.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.10% |     9623 | marie@mjmontpetit.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.07% |     9344 | margaretw42@gmail.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.06% |     9298 | jmh@joelhalpern.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.06% |     9236 | jason_livingood@comcast.com
  1.23% |    1 |  1.02% |     8951 | phill@hallambaker.com
  1.23% |    1 |  0.99% |     8604 | d3e3e3@gmail.com
  1.23% |    1 |  0.98% |     8547 | michal@krsek.cz
  1.23% |    1 |  0.96% |     8356 | alh-ietf@tndh.net
  1.23% |    1 |  0.91% |     7985 | david.huberman@oracle.com
  1.23% |    1 |  0.88% |     7667 | mallman@icir.org
  1.23% |    1 |  0.81% |     7106 | huitema@huitema.net
  1.23% |    1 |  0.80% |     7016 | aallen@blackberry.com
  1.23% |    1 |  0.79% |     6879 | dharkins@lounge.org
  1.23% |    1 |  0.79% |     6866 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  1.23% |    1 |  0.78% |     6776 | jefft0@remap.ucla.edu
  1.23% |    1 |  0.76% |     6638 | rsk@gsp.org
  1.23% |    1 |  0.76% |     6597 | bertietf@bwijnen.net
100.00% |   81 |100.00% |   873317 | Total