Re: Gen-Art LC review: draft-ietf-netmod-yang-metadata-04

Robert Sparks <> Thu, 10 March 2016 23:57 UTC

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Subject: Re: Gen-Art LC review: draft-ietf-netmod-yang-metadata-04
To: Ladislav Lhotka <>, General Area Review Team <>, "" <>,,
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From: Robert Sparks <>
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On 3/9/16 11:04 AM, Ladislav Lhotka wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> thanks for the review, I apologize for replying late, please see my responses inline:
> Robert Sparks <> writes:
>> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area
>> Review Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed
>> by the IESG for the IETF Chair.  Please treat these comments just
>> like any other last call comments.
>> For more information, please see the FAQ at
>> <>.
>> Document: draft-ietf-netmod-yang-metadata-04
>> Reviewer: Robert Sparks
>> Review Date: 1Mar2016
>> IETF LC End Date: 9Mar2016
>> IESG Telechat date: not yet scheduled
>> Summary: Ready with nits
>> 1) I might be missing something obvious, but the introduction has two
>> statements that don't seem aligned:
>> " Values of annotations are not limited to strings; any YANG built-in or
>> derived type may be used for them"
>> and
>> "annotations are scalar values and cannot be further structured".
> These two statements are not in conflict: YANG data types (built-in or
> derived) apply to scalar values.
I don't know what it means for a data type to apply to a value. Can you 
say that more simply?

I think this is just a language thing, and being precise in the text 
will get past it.

Are you saying all YANG data types (built-in or derived) have only 
scalar values?

If so, you could change the second point in the document to say
"Since annotations have only built-in or derived types, they can only 
have scalar values."

But then, placing the point under "This document deliberately adopts 
some restrictions" doesn't make sense, and I suggest restructuring the 
discussion to only call out the restrictions (which appears to be to not 
place annotations on lists or leaf-lists) below that sentence.

>> If I'm not missing something, that may be more of an open issue than a nit.
>> 2) The shepherd writeup calls out the tension in figuring out whether to
>> make this an extension or a new built-in statement. Please consider
>> capturing the reasoning for the path you chose in the draft itself.
> I will try, the main reason was that most people felt that introducing a
> new built-in statement is too big a change for the upcoming maintenance
> version of YANG (1.1) and YANG 2.0 is nowhere in sight.
> Thanks, Lada