Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 10 October 2014 04:53 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:53:01 -0400
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Total of 129 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Oct 10 00:53:01 EDT 2014
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  5.43% |    7 |  4.25% |    55448 | jari.arkko@piuha.net
  3.10% |    4 |  5.20% |    67765 | abdussalambaryun@gmail.com
  3.88% |    5 |  4.36% |    56813 | lorenzo@google.com
  3.10% |    4 |  4.29% |    55969 | spencerdawkins.ietf@gmail.com
  3.88% |    5 |  3.35% |    43633 | mnot@mnot.net
  3.88% |    5 |  3.17% |    41340 | john-ietf@jck.com
  3.88% |    5 |  2.71% |    35389 | phill@hallambaker.com
  2.33% |    3 |  4.08% |    53185 | adrian@olddog.co.uk
  1.55% |    2 |  4.49% |    58590 | nick.heatley@ee.co.uk
  3.10% |    4 |  2.64% |    34491 | superuser@gmail.com
  1.55% |    2 |  4.01% |    52274 | ross@eircom.net
  3.10% |    4 |  2.26% |    29522 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  3.10% |    4 |  2.26% |    29507 | sm+ietf@elandsys.com
  3.10% |    4 |  2.09% |    27227 | nico@cryptonector.com
  3.10% |    4 |  1.67% |    21741 | johnl@taugh.com
  0.78% |    1 |  3.85% |    50208 | tomasz.kossut@orange.com
  2.33% |    3 |  2.25% |    29300 | ynir.ietf@gmail.com
  2.33% |    3 |  1.90% |    24818 | loa@pi.nu
  2.33% |    3 |  1.79% |    23369 | mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca
  2.33% |    3 |  1.70% |    22194 | melinda.shore@gmail.com
  1.55% |    2 |  2.42% |    31515 | mstjohns@comcast.net
  1.55% |    2 |  2.37% |    30954 | ted.ietf@gmail.com
  2.33% |    3 |  1.54% |    20123 | barryleiba@computer.org
  1.55% |    2 |  2.32% |    30216 | jouni.nospam@gmail.com
  1.55% |    2 |  1.38% |    17950 | lear@cisco.com
  1.55% |    2 |  1.29% |    16861 | ray.bellis@nominet.org.uk
  1.55% |    2 |  1.07% |    14010 | iab-chair@iab.org
  1.55% |    2 |  1.02% |    13311 | agl@imperialviolet.org
  1.55% |    2 |  0.96% |    12533 | paul.hoffman@vpnc.org
  0.78% |    1 |  1.69% |    22018 | david.binet@orange.com
  1.55% |    2 |  0.87% |    11346 | housley@vigilsec.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.96% |    12542 | phdgang@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.96% |    12531 | amontville@tripwire.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.88% |    11455 | presnick@qti.qualcomm.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.84% |    11016 | fred@cisco.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.84% |    10925 | yaojk@cnnic.cn
  0.78% |    1 |  0.82% |    10731 | ben@nostrum.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.79% |    10343 | jhw@nestlabs.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.76% |     9957 | narten@us.ibm.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.75% |     9813 | leslie@thinkingcat.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.74% |     9671 | l.wood@surrey.ac.uk
  0.78% |    1 |  0.72% |     9430 | sperreault@jive.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.71% |     9207 | daedulus@btconnect.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.66% |     8660 | peter.sylvester@edelweb.fr
  0.78% |    1 |  0.65% |     8488 | rdroms.ietf@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.63% |     8273 | stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie
  0.78% |    1 |  0.61% |     7952 | jmh@joelhalpern.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.59% |     7717 | valdis.kletnieks@vt.edu
  0.78% |    1 |  0.59% |     7688 | gtw@gtwassociates.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.58% |     7565 | swmike@swm.pp.se
  0.78% |    1 |  0.58% |     7515 | braden@meritmail.isi.edu
  0.78% |    1 |  0.58% |     7514 | chair@ietf.org
  0.78% |    1 |  0.57% |     7373 | fluffy@cisco.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.56% |     7321 | tnadeau@lucidvision.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.54% |     7030 | joelja@bogus.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.53% |     6855 | jason_livingood@cable.comcast.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.51% |     6664 | ted.lemon@nominum.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.49% |     6342 | alexey.melnikov@isode.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.48% |     6283 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  0.78% |    1 |  0.47% |     6174 | d3e3e3@gmail.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.47% |     6147 | bmanning@isi.edu
  0.78% |    1 |  0.44% |     5794 | dwm@xpasc.com
  0.78% |    1 |  0.42% |     5416 | randy@psg.com
100.00% |  129 |100.00% |  1304012 | Total