Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affecting IETF operations
Phillip Hallam-Baker <> Mon, 21 March 2016 15:27 UTC
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Subject: Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affecting IETF operations
From: Phillip Hallam-Baker <>
To: Jari Arkko <>
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On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Jari Arkko <> wrote: > Yes, but I would approach this from a slightly different end-point. It is always the case that convincing others of something new is a lot of work. In my mind, standards or open source work both succeed best when performed by those who actually are deploying and in charge of building mainstream systems (commercial or open source) for the topic. So it is not so much about IETF folk reaching the adopters, but having the adopters drive the IETF work… > One of the problems I see is that 'consensus' is wielded as an input to the process rather than being the output. People are already telling me that there is 'no consensus' for my proposal for the LURK BOF. How on earth is there supposed to be consensus if we haven't even met yet? The mode of failure I keep seeing in IETF is the following: 1) A very narrow scope is decided 'to focus' 2) Poorly thought out aspects of the proposal are defended because the problems they cause are 'out of scope' 3) The resulting RFC describes a protocol that is worse than useless. 4) The proposal fails in the market. 5) The experience is used as 'proof' that the problem is insoluble. (optional) What should be obvious, I hope, is that the narrower your scope, the narrower the appeal of your solution. The risk in considering a wide scope is that the solution becomes overly complex. But it can also make the solution simpler by forcing the designers to consider what the fundamental issues are and deal with them in a modular, extensible fashion. I have a proposal: * Use cases are not subject to consensus calls. * Requirements derived from the use cases are. What I want to use a specification for is really none of anyone else's business. When a person proposes a use case, what they are essentially saying is 'this is what the specification has to do if you want my support'. So why should that be subject to a consensus requirement? During the SAML design, there was a working group on use cases that spent a lot of time voting on use cases. Some of the work was useful in that it did help clarify what the use case was. But the time they spent arguing over whether given use cases were in or out was a total waste of time because I was writing the architecture specification and I made sure that I could meet every use case anyone ever proposed. In design, I actually find the more absurd use cases turn out to be the most useful because they can lead to a different way of thinking about the problem.
- Getting off Things - namely this mailing list tom p.
- Observations on (non-technical) changes affecting… Jari Arkko
- RE: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Linda Dunbar
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Jari Arkko
- RE: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Dave Cridland
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Randy Bush
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Melinda Shore
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Rich Kulawiec
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Stephen Farrell
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Randy Bush
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Security for the Internet of Things and Other Thi… Jari Arkko
- RE: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Dirk Kutscher
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Jari Arkko
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Michael Richardson
- Re: Security for the Internet of Things and Other… Michael Richardson
- Re: Security for the Internet of Things and Other… Carsten Bormann
- Getting on with Things Eliot Lear
- Re: Security for the Internet of Things and Other… Theodore V Faber
- RE: Getting on with Things Adrian Farrel
- Re: Getting on with Things Carsten Bormann
- Re: Getting on with Things Stewart Bryant
- Re: Getting on with Things Carsten Bormann
- Re: Getting on with Things Stewart Bryant
- Re: Getting on with Things Eliot Lear
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Brian E Carpenter
- Re: Getting on with Things Michael Richardson
- Re: Getting on with Things Carsten Bormann
- Re: Getting on with Things Medel Ramirez
- Re: Security for the Internet of Things and Other… Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: Getting on with Things Gmail
- Re: Security for the Internet of Things and Other… Livingood, Jason
- Re: Security for the Internet of Things and Other… Scott Kitterman
- Re: Security for the Internet of Things and Other… Eliot Lear
- Re: Security for the Internet of Things and Other… Stewart Bryant
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Charles Eckel (eckelcu)
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Dave Crocker
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Jari Arkko
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Charles Eckel (eckelcu)
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… l.wood
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… George Michaelson
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Eggert, Lars
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… lloyd.wood
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Eggert, Lars
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… S Moonesamy
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… S Moonesamy
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Randy Bush
- RE: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Russ White
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Melinda Shore
- Re: Observations on (non-technical) changes affec… Eliot Lear