"We did not know" is not a good excuse
"Adrian Farrel" <adrian@olddog.co.uk> Wed, 06 April 2016 23:35 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>
To: ietf@ietf.org
Subject: "We did not know" is not a good excuse
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 00:34:53 +0100
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One might assume that a step in the selection of a location is to look at some advice for travellers. One such source of information is the US State Department. (Not the source of all wisdom, but a source of some information.) https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/country/singapore.html has a sizeable section on LGBT rights and associate issues. Yes, this is hard to get right and people make mistakes. Yes, move on. How do we move on so: - this problem stops being a problem for IETF 100 - this problem does not recur Adrian
- "We did not know" is not a good excuse Adrian Farrel
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Dave Crocker
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Melinda Shore
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Harish Pillay
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Melinda Shore
- RE: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Adrian Farrel
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Harish Pillay
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Melinda Shore
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Harish Pillay
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse John C Klensin
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse lloyd.wood
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Dave Crocker
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Ted Lemon
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Stewart Bryant
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse John C Klensin
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Dave Crocker
- RE: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Adrian Farrel
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Fred Baker (fred)
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Stefan Winter
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse John C Klensin
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Stewart Bryant
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse John Levine
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Dave Crocker
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse HANSEN, TONY L
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse John C Klensin
- Re: "We did not know" is not a good excuse Lee Howard