What is Ant's Fit Protocol?

Alessandro Vesely <vesely@tana.it> Sat, 21 January 2017 20:11 UTC

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From: Alessandro Vesely <vesely@tana.it>
Subject: What is Ant's Fit Protocol?
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I annoyingly see this stuff in some GPS devices.  It seems to be a proprietary 
protocol for wireless communication, also used as a file format.  It is resumed 


I'm wondering why companies use that protocol instead of an open standard.  Is 
it because there is no suitable open standard or just because they hate open 

I would try and dissuade open source packages, e.g. gpsbabel, to try to support 
it, since that protocol seems to be going to change unpredictably and hence 
their software will never work.  Opinions?

TIA for any reply