APPSDIR review of draft-ietf-nea-pt-tls-04
Alexey Melnikov <> Mon, 04 June 2012 19:01 UTC
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I have been selected as the Applications Area Directorate reviewer for this draft (for background on APPSDIR, please see ). Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may receive. Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD before posting a new version of the draft. The review is not copied to the IESG as the Last Call has not been announced yet. Document: draft-ietf-nea-pt-tls-04 Title: PT-TLS: A TCP-based Posture Transport (PT) Protocol Reviewer: Alexey Melnikov Review Date: June 4, 2012 Summary: This document is almost ready for publication as a Proposed Standard, although some [mostly] SASL related issues remain. This document specifies PT-TLS, a TCP-based Posture Transport (PT) protocol. The PT-TLS protocol carries the Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) message exchange under the protection of a Transport Layer Security (TLS) secured tunnel. (Note, I've reviewed -04, but I think all of this still applies to -05.) Major: In RFC 6125 use details are missing. You need to describe whether CN-IDs and SRV-IDs are allowed, whether wildcards are allowed, etc. I can suggest some details. Minor: In Section 3.2: This document is not yet Internet Standard, it will be Proposed Standard. Suggest saying "Publication on Standards Track" instead instead of "Internet Standard". The same issue in the IANA consideration section. In 3.8.1: I think one instance of "SASL authentication messages" --> "SASL authentication mechanisms". Otherwise this sentence is out of place, as you are not talking about SASL messages. In 3.8.4: in SASL the server doesn't return abort as an error code, it just fails the authentication exchange. I suggest removing it as a choice. In 3.8.7: you define the Reserved field which I assume is used for padding? If yes, then you will not get proper alignment for the next field, as SASL mechanism names are variable length. (If you intended that they are always sent as 20 bytes, then this is missing from the document.) In 3.8.10: The Abort choice is really not needed (as per above). Also, can you give me an example of when the Mechanism Failure will be returned instead of just Failure? In 3.9: Failed Authentication error code - how does this differ from SASL Authentication result with Failure code? In 4.1.2, second block, the first bullet: I think you meant "client" instead of the "server". Question (might not be an issue): In 6.2: is it possible to register a vendor specific value without a specification? The same question for 6.3. Nits: None
- APPSDIR review of draft-ietf-nea-pt-tls-04 Alexey Melnikov
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- RE: [apps-discuss] APPSDIR review of draft-ietf-n… Paul Sangster
- RE: APPSDIR review of draft-ietf-nea-pt-tls-04 Paul Sangster
- Re: APPSDIR review of draft-ietf-nea-pt-tls-04 Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [apps-discuss] APPSDIR review of draft-ietf-n… Alexey Melnikov