Re: Review of draft-saintandre-tls-server-id-check

Peter Saint-Andre <> Thu, 09 September 2010 17:56 UTC

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On 9/8/10 5:39 PM, Stefan Santesson wrote:
> Peter,
> Thank for the clarifying example. I see now what problem you are addressing.
> Comments in line;

I'm short on time right now so will reply briefly at the end.

> On 10-09-09 12:35 AM, "Peter Saint-Andre" <> wrote:
> <stuff deleted>
>>> It is not. RFC 4985 says the following in section 2:
>>>       _Service.Name
>>> <snip>
>>>       Name
>>>          The DNS domain name of the domain where the specified service
>>>          is located.
>> Perhaps some examples would help.
>> The good folks at have delegated their IM service to
>> When the user does an SRV lookup
>> for _xmpp-client._tcp, its client gets back something
>> like this:
>> 20 0 5222
>> The client resolves to an IP address and connects to
>> that machine.
>> During TLS negotiation, the application service for (which
>> is in fact being serviced by presents a certificate
>> that contains an SRV-ID. Which of the following is it?
>> 1.
>> or:
>> 2.
> According to the actual intent of RFC 4985 the right answer is 1, however
> reading the definition of the name form it suggests 2, since this is where
> the service is located. However I think this is an error in RFC 4985. See
> below.
> In case of 2, If the DNS fooled you, then you may end up at an authorized
> service for that has no business serving, and you
> have no way to tell.
>> If #1, then the "Name" in _Service.Name is indeed a "Name" as defined in
>> RFC 2782.
>> If #2, then the "Name" in _Service.Name is actually a "Target" as
>> defined in RFC 2782.
>>> The client now has assurance from the CA that this host is in fact
>>> authorized to provide this service.
>> To use my example, the CA is providing assurance that
>> is authorized to provide the XMPP service on behalf of That
>> seems reasonable if the presented identifier based on the source domain
>> ( However, if the assurance is checked on the client side
>> by finding as the presented identifier then I
>> fail to understand something very basic: how does the client tie that
>> SRV-ID to the source domain ( in a secure fashion? The
>> presented identifier seems to be a mere assertion without any connection
>> whatsoever to the source domain.
> I actually think we made an error in 4985 and that the domain name should be
> the domain that the service is authorized to represent.
> RFC 4985 is ambiguous here: the definition of the name form says:
>    "The DNS domain name of the domain where the specified service
>     is located."
> This corresponds to #2 in your example
> While the description underneath the definition states:
>    "The purpose of the SRVName is limited to authorization of service
>     provision within a domain."
> Which corresponds to #1.
> I think there should be an errata correcting the definition to be:
>    "The DNS domain name of a domain for which the certified subject
>     is authorized to provide the identified service."
> As it is now, the RFC is ambiguous.
>> If we just wave our hands and say "the
>> client can simply let the user believe that it's OK for
>> to assert a right to provide the IM service for and it
>> doesn't matter if there is no basis for that belief because the
>> information might not be trustworthy" then I wonder what RFC 4985 really
>> accomplishes or whether we want to encourage anyone to use the SRVName
>> extension (at least absent DNSSEC, see for example draft-barnes-xmpp-dna).
> I agree. But if we can correct the definition (or specify a new OID for a
> corrected name form) according to my proposal above, and clarify the use in
> your document, would that help in any way?
> I agree that if the SRVName in the cert provides a domain name that is
> different from the domain name you asked for (and it's not DNSSEC), then you
> will have to rely on local configuration in order to accept it.

I'm happy that we're all on the same page and that we only have a spec
error in RFC 4985.

> I'm not sure how we should fix this. We had quite large review of this RFC
> but nobody caught this error.

Submitting an erratum is a good first step, I think.


Peter Saint-Andre