Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers
"John Levine" <> Mon, 16 September 2013 19:25 UTC
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Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:24:54 -0000
Message-ID: <20130916192454.86555.qmail@joyce.lan>
From: John Levine <>
Subject: Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers
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>* The purpose of ORCID is to /uniquely/ identify individuals, both to >differentiate between people with similar names, and to unify works >where the author uses variant or changed names If you think that's a good idea, I don't see any reason to forbid people from including an ORCID along with the real contact info, but I would be extremely unhappy if the IETF were to mandate it or anything like it. My name turns out to be fairly common. Over the years, I have been confused with a comp sci professor in Edinburgh, a psychology professor in Pittsburgh, another comp sci researcher in Georgia, a psychiatrist in Cambridge MA, a composer in Cambridge UK, a car buyer in Phoenix, and some random guy in Brooklyn, all of whom happen to be named John Levine. Tough. Not my problem. I also think that it's time for people to get over the "someone might spam me so I'm going to hide" nonsense. The point of putting contact info in an RFC is so that people can contact you, and the most ubiquitous contact identifiers we have remain e-mail addresses. I still use the same e-mail address I've had since 1993 (the one in the signature below), and my garden variety spam filters are quite able to keep it usable. If I can do it, so can you. Regards, John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies", Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Brian E Carpenter
- ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Dave Cridland
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Melinda Shore
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Melinda Shore
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Juliao Braga
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Scott Brim
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors joel jaeggli
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John C Klensin
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors David Morris
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Hector Santos
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers John Levine
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers John Levine
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers Dave Cridland
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Brian E Carpenter
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John Levine
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Yoav Nir
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Melinda Shore
- RE: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers Greg Daley
- RE: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers John R Levine
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John C Klensin
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Melinda Shore
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Joel M. Halpern
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Hector Santos
- RE: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers John C Klensin
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for bibliographers Dave Cridland
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Michael Richardson
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John C Klensin
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John Levine
- Re: [IETF] Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for con… Warren Kumari
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Steve Crocker
- RE: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Pat Thaler
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Scott Brim
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Melinda Shore
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Michael Tuexen
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Scott Brim
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Michael Tuexen
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Carsten Bormann
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Melinda Shore
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Michael Tuexen
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Melinda Shore
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Michael Tuexen
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Hector Santos
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Hector Santos
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Tony Hansen
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Yoav Nir
- Re: [IETF] Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for con… Warren Kumari
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Hector Santos
- Re: [IETF] Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for con… Melinda Shore
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Juliao Braga
- Re: [IETF] Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for con… Brian E Carpenter
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John Levine
- Re: [IETF] Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for con… John Levine
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors George Michaelson
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andrew G. Malis
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Riccardo Bernardini
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Abdussalam Baryun
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Riccardo Bernardini
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Ted Lemon
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Stephen Farrell
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Tony Hansen
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Andy Mabbett
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John C Klensin
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John Levine
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Spencer Dawkins
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Melinda Shore
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors Noel Chiappa
- Re: ORCID - unique identifiers for contributors John Levine