FW: License File for Open Source Repositories

IETF Chair <chair@ietf.org> Wed, 04 January 2017 16:20 UTC

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With the holidays over, this is a re-send of the request to
review the suggested license file.



> The IESG has observed that many working groups work with open source
> repositories even for their work on specifications. That's great, and
> we're happy to see this development, as it fits well the working style
> of at least some of our working groups. This style is also likely to be
> more popular in the future.
> As always, we'd like to understand areas where we can either be helpful
> in bringing in some new things such as tooling, or where we need to
> integrate better between the repository world and the IETF process. As
> an example of the latter, we're wondering whether it would be helpful to
> have a standard boilerplate for these repositories with respect to the
> usual copyright and other matters. The intent is for such text to be
> placed in a suitable file (e.g., "CONTRIBUTING"), probably along with
> some additional information that is already present in these files in
> many repositories. The idea is that people should treat, e.g., text
> contributions to a draft-foo.xml in a repository much in the same way as
> they treat text contributions on the list, at least when it comes to
> copyright, IPR, and other similar issues.
> We have worked together with the IETF legal team and few key experts
> from the IETF who are actively using these repositories, and suggest the
> following text.
> We're looking to make a decision on this matter on our January 19th,
> 2017 IESG Telechat, and would appreciate feedback before then. This
> message will be resent after the holiday period is over to make sure it
> is noticed. Please send comments to the IESG (iesg@ietf.org) by 2017-01-17.
> The IESG
> ——
> This repository relates to activities in the Internet Engineering Task
> Force(IETF). All material in this repository is considered Contributions
> to the IETF Standards Process, as defined in the intellectual property
> policies of IETF currently designated as BCP 78
> (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp78) BCP 79
> (https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp79) and the IETF Trust Legal
> Provisions (TLP) Relating to IETF Documents
> (http://trustee.ietf.org/trust-legal-provisions.html)
> Any edit, commit, pull-request, comment or other change made to this
> repository constitutes Contributions to the IETF Standards Process. You
> agree to comply with all applicable IETF policies and procedures,
> including, BCP 78, 79, the TLP, and the TLP rules regarding code
> components (e.g. being subject to a Simplified BSD License) in
> Contributions.