Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

narten@us.ibm.com Fri, 22 July 2016 04:53 UTC

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From: narten@us.ibm.com
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 00:53:03 -0400
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Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org
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Total of 122 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Jul 22 00:53:03 EDT 2016
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
  4.10% |    5 | 23.09% |   563921 | paul@nohats.ca
  2.46% |    3 | 17.35% |   423638 | pat.thaler@broadcom.com
  0.82% |    1 |  9.32% |   227577 | cheshire@apple.com
  5.74% |    7 |  2.85% |    69528 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  5.74% |    7 |  2.39% |    58447 | mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca
  4.92% |    6 |  1.92% |    46880 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  4.10% |    5 |  1.98% |    48272 | yaronf.ietf@gmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  5.14% |   125461 | stefan.winter@restena.lu
  3.28% |    4 |  1.28% |    31293 | sm+ietf@elandsys.com
  2.46% |    3 |  2.07% |    50634 | nalini.elkins@insidethestack.com
  2.46% |    3 |  1.47% |    35879 | mhammer@ag.com
  2.46% |    3 |  1.02% |    24992 | housley@vigilsec.com
  2.46% |    3 |  0.95% |    23227 | hch@lst.de
  2.46% |    3 |  0.86% |    20915 | pusateri@bangj.com
  1.64% |    2 |  1.30% |    31788 | richard@shockey.us
  1.64% |    2 |  1.08% |    26311 | phill@hallambaker.com
  1.64% |    2 |  0.99% |    24185 | david.black@emc.com
  1.64% |    2 |  0.87% |    21309 | aallen@blackberry.com
  1.64% |    2 |  0.86% |    21029 | lear@cisco.com
  1.64% |    2 |  0.74% |    18032 | tjc@ecs.soton.ac.uk
  1.64% |    2 |  0.72% |    17475 | sob@sobco.com
  1.64% |    2 |  0.68% |    16655 | ned+ietf@mauve.mrochek.com
  0.82% |    1 |  1.49% |    36434 | dmznr@icloud.com
  1.64% |    2 |  0.67% |    16322 | harald@alvestrand.no
  1.64% |    2 |  0.65% |    15993 | adam@nostrum.com
  1.64% |    2 |  0.59% |    14433 | paul.hoffman@vpnc.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.84% |    20538 | iab-chair@iab.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.61% |    15000 | sshepler@microsoft.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.56% |    13778 | ford@isoc.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.55% |    13349 | eckelcu@cisco.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.55% |    13323 | stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie
  0.82% |    1 |  0.50% |    12237 | joe@cdt.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.48% |    11780 | mellon@fugue.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.47% |    11548 | brown@isoc.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.46% |    11286 | kireeti@juniper.net
  0.82% |    1 |  0.45% |    11051 | agmalis@gmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.44% |    10823 | jason.nichols@scrier.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.44% |    10811 | suzworldwide@gmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.44% |    10715 | narten@us.ibm.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.44% |    10625 | jari.arkko@piuha.net
  0.82% |    1 |  0.42% |    10322 | spencerdawkins.ietf@gmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.42% |    10258 | ekr@rtfm.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.42% |    10143 | d3e3e3@gmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.41% |    10047 | joelja@gmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.41% |     9935 | ietf@trammell.ch
  0.82% |    1 |  0.41% |     9899 | barryleiba@computer.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.40% |     9768 | christer.holmberg@ericsson.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.39% |     9500 | john@sackheads.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.38% |     9339 | kathleen.moriarty.ietf@gmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.35% |     8661 | julien.maisonneuve@nokia.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.35% |     8436 | leifj@mnt.se
  0.82% |    1 |  0.34% |     8424 | olejacobsen@me.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.34% |     8211 | oliver.hahm@inria.fr
  0.82% |    1 |  0.33% |     8158 | denghui02@hotmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.33% |     8082 | mfidelman@meetinghouse.net
  0.82% |    1 |  0.33% |     7984 | jhaas@pfrc.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.33% |     7956 | jeff.hodges@kingsmountain.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.32% |     7876 | alexandre.petrescu@gmail.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.32% |     7872 | adrian@olddog.co.uk
  0.82% |    1 |  0.32% |     7795 | vesely@tana.it
  0.82% |    1 |  0.31% |     7539 | suport_admrecerca@uoc.edu
  0.82% |    1 |  0.30% |     7393 | johnl@taugh.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.29% |     7195 | swmike@swm.pp.se
  0.82% |    1 |  0.29% |     7131 | afarrel@juniper.net
  0.82% |    1 |  0.29% |     7114 | ajs@anvilwalrusden.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.29% |     6975 | john-ietf@jck.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.28% |     6842 | francis.dupont@fdupont.fr
  0.82% |    1 |  0.28% |     6811 | rjsparks@nostrum.com
  0.82% |    1 |  0.28% |     6796 | chair@ietf.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.26% |     6467 | doug@ewellic.org
  0.82% |    1 |  0.23% |     5600 | agenda@ietf.org
100.00% |  122 |100.00% |  2442023 | Total