Re: IETF 100, Singapore -- proposed path forward and request for input

<> Wed, 25 May 2016 18:51 UTC

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Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 18:47:51 +0000
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Subject: Re: IETF 100, Singapore -- proposed path forward and request for input
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On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 7:17 AM, <> wrote:

So, it is not OK to put an additional burden sometimes on GLBT people but it is OK to put an additional burden on Asian and African and other people as far as cost, racism, visa, etc, etc?  

>The second statement seems to me a strawman, as no one seems to have asserted that it was okay.

>If I have missed an opportunity to work against the impact of racism on IETF participants contingent on the choice of our venues, I apologize, but please do not assume that my raising this >particular issue in any way means that I am not willingness to work for fairness in other contexts.
Ted,  I raised this issue because unfortunately Asian and African cultures lag the West in their acceptance and awareness of LGBT rights.  If we consider LGBT rights to the exclusion of others, that leaves out much of the world in our venue consideration.  And, that puts an additional burden on Asian, African and other people.  
I totally feel for you and I think your child is very lucky to have the two fathers that he / she has.   I completely understand your family orientation.  Once I saw the little face of my daughter, that was it.  Everything else came second.
But having said that, I was born in India and want to support very strongly my fellow Asian IETFers.   The world is changing.   This debate will not go away.
I hope that all sides can validate each others feelings and points of view and work together.  I applaud you for having the courage to bring this issue to the forefront of our consciousness and thus initiate this very important discussion.
So, let me ask you - is there anything that would make Singapore / Asia feel safe for you to travel to with your family?   Should we talk to the American Embassy?  Hospitals?
What have you done when you traveled with your family elsewhere?
I realize that this is potentially only solving your particular problem but maybe it gives us a path to work together.