Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Thu, 26 January 2006 20:15 UTC

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To: ietf@ietf.org
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 15:14:02 -0500
From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org
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[note: I find this type of summary to be a useful tool for
highlighting certain aspects of list traffic. With Brian Carpenter's
blessing, I plan on making this a regular feature for the ietf list.]

Total of 312 messages in the last 7 days ending midnight January 25.

    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
 11.22% |   35 |  7.24% |   119726 | anthony@atkielski.com
  5.45% |   17 |  5.21% |    86239 | brc@zurich.ibm.com
  0.32% |    1 |  9.29% |   153603 | lzhu@windows.microsoft.com
  3.85% |   12 |  5.11% |    84559 | jordi.palet@consulintel.es
  3.53% |   11 |  4.78% |    79123 | jefsey@jefsey.com
  3.85% |   12 |  3.82% |    63209 | harald@alvestrand.no
  3.53% |   11 |  3.56% |    58870 | tme@multicasttech.com
  3.85% |   12 |  3.11% |    51425 | hartmans-ietf@mit.edu
  3.21% |   10 |  3.49% |    57674 | nick.staff@comcast.net
  2.88% |    9 |  2.94% |    48651 | eric.gray@marconi.com
  3.21% |   10 |  2.24% |    37115 | nobody@xyzzy.claranet.de
  0.64% |    2 |  4.55% |    75287 | neil.harwani@gmail.com
  2.56% |    8 |  1.83% |    30220 | spencer@mcsr-labs.org
  1.60% |    5 |  2.61% |    43189 | lars.eggert@netlab.nec.de
  2.24% |    7 |  1.66% |    27438 | dhc2@dcrocker.net
  1.60% |    5 |  1.67% |    27638 | peter@peter-dambier.de
  1.28% |    4 |  1.82% |    30133 | jeroen@unfix.org
  1.92% |    6 |  0.92% |    15245 | johnl@iecc.com
  1.60% |    5 |  1.14% |    18790 | lear@cisco.com
  1.28% |    4 |  1.27% |    21052 | hannes.tschofenig@siemens.com
  1.60% |    5 |  0.95% |    15699 | smb@cs.columbia.edu
  0.96% |    3 |  1.32% |    21839 | john-ietf@jck.com
  0.96% |    3 |  1.29% |    21303 | margaret@thingmagic.com
  1.28% |    4 |  0.94% |    15517 | david.kessens@nokia.com
  1.28% |    4 |  0.84% |    13954 | bortzmeyer@nic.fr
  1.28% |    4 |  0.84% |    13907 | rpelletier@isoc.org
  0.96% |    3 |  1.05% |    17384 | karen.odonoghue@navy.mil
  0.96% |    3 |  0.99% |    16330 | bwijnen@lucent.com
  1.28% |    4 |  0.64% |    10650 | jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu
  0.64% |    2 |  1.24% |    20453 | elwynd@dial.pipex.com
  0.96% |    3 |  0.91% |    15058 | richard@shockey.us
  0.96% |    3 |  0.83% |    13736 | jmpolk@cisco.com
  0.96% |    3 |  0.78% |    12960 | ned.freed@mrochek.com
  0.96% |    3 |  0.73% |    12106 | jhutz@cmu.edu
  0.96% |    3 |  0.68% |    11294 | ietf@andybierman.com
  0.96% |    3 |  0.62% |    10172 | raeburn@mit.edu
  0.96% |    3 |  0.59% |     9827 | adam@nostrum.com
  0.96% |    3 |  0.56% |     9199 | tjc@ecs.soton.ac.uk
  0.96% |    3 |  0.49% |     8154 | garmitage@swin.edu.au
  0.64% |    2 |  0.52% |     8648 | hgs@cs.columbia.edu
  0.64% |    2 |  0.43% |     7061 | john.loughney@kolumbus.fi
  0.64% |    2 |  0.43% |     7054 | william@elan.net
  0.64% |    2 |  0.41% |     6820 | tytso@mit.edu
  0.64% |    2 |  0.41% |     6706 | pekkas@netcore.fi
  0.64% |    2 |  0.39% |     6368 | sbrim@cisco.com
  0.64% |    2 |  0.38% |     6364 | joel@stevecrocker.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.64% |    10657 | cook@cookreport.com
  0.64% |    2 |  0.31% |     5130 | mankin@psg.com
  0.64% |    2 |  0.27% |     4506 | emmanuel.desmet@alcatel.be
  0.32% |    1 |  0.54% |     8918 | dan.grossman@motorola.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.50% |     8290 | doug@intellical.net
  0.32% |    1 |  0.46% |     7575 | sean_dorman@yahoo.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.40% |     6653 | jonne.soininen@nokia.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.35% |     5801 | peter@echnaton.serveftp.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.35% |     5734 | adrian@olddog.co.uk
  0.32% |    1 |  0.34% |     5685 | lisa@osafoundation.org
  0.32% |    1 |  0.33% |     5431 | edj@nortel.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.33% |     5409 | dassa@dhs.org
  0.32% |    1 |  0.32% |     5348 | joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu
  0.32% |    1 |  0.31% |     5075 | leiba@watson.ibm.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.28% |     4703 | everson@evertype.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.28% |     4674 | jschnizl@cisco.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.27% |     4418 | john@jck.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.27% |     4385 | townsley@cisco.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.26% |     4353 | sayrer@gmail.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.25% |     4145 | mat@cisco.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.25% |     4097 | kent@songbird.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.25% |     4066 | julien.maisonneuve@alcatel.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.24% |     3923 | steves@shentel.net
  0.32% |    1 |  0.22% |     3692 | froomkin@law.miami.edu
  0.32% |    1 |  0.22% |     3643 | bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.22% |     3594 | mstjohns@mindspring.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.21% |     3511 | dotis@mail-abuse.org
  0.32% |    1 |  0.21% |     3504 | jabley@isc.org
  0.32% |    1 |  0.21% |     3488 | llynch@darkwing.uoregon.edu
  0.32% |    1 |  0.21% |     3484 | randy_presuhn@mindspring.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.21% |     3426 | presnick@qualcomm.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.20% |     3351 | hartmans-ietf-ietf@mit.edu
  0.32% |    1 |  0.20% |     3337 | mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
  0.32% |    1 |  0.20% |     3327 | cyrus@daboo.name
  0.32% |    1 |  0.20% |     3317 | chelliot@cisco.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.20% |     3279 | tbray@textuality.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.20% |     3225 | cowan@ccil.org
  0.32% |    1 |  0.19% |     3169 | misha.wolf@reuters.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.19% |     3104 | hannigan@gmail.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.18% |     3007 | francis.dupont@point6.net
  0.32% |    1 |  0.18% |     2988 | dot@dotat.at
  0.32% |    1 |  0.18% |     2930 | sommerfeld@sun.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.18% |     2899 | philip_matthews@magma.ca
  0.32% |    1 |  0.17% |     2890 | scott@kitterman.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.17% |     2835 | ekr@networkresonance.com
  0.32% |    1 |  0.15% |     2546 | rdunlap@xenotime.net
  0.32% |    1 |  0.15% |     2469 | paul.hoffman@vpnc.org
  0.32% |    1 |  0.00% |        0 | tmp
100.00% |  312 |100.00% |  1653740 | Total

Ietf mailing list