T-shirts, and some suggestions for future ietf meetings

Tony Hansen <tony@att.com> Fri, 06 August 2004 05:09 UTC

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I know, this isn't the most important issue in the world. But, I want to 
say that I miss the IETF meeting T-shirts. As confirmed by Harald at 
tonight's plenary, the T-shirts are normally paid for by the sponsor. 
And since we don't have a sponsor here, there was no T-shirt.

The first time in recent years that we almost didn't have a sponsor was 
in Adelaide (IETF 47, March 2000). We got down there, there were 
problems with the original sponsor and lots of scrambling occurred. 
Among the other things that occured was that there was no T-shirt handed 
out when we registered. (Later on in the week, the people who stayed to 
the end of the plenary were surprised with shirts, collared even. But 
that doesn't the affect the rest of the story.)

So, what happened? In true IETF fashion, a bar BOF met, designed a 
T-shirt, and made arrangements with a T-shirt shop a couple of blocks 
from the convention center. Those people who wanted a T-shirt walked 
over there, picked a T-shirt color, put in an order, paid their money, 
and got a shirt a couple of days later. (It's definitely one of my most 
favorite IETF shirts.) I don't know exactly how many people wound up 
ordering their shirt this way, but I know the owner worked numerous 
overtime hours to meet the demand.

A few salient points can be garnered from the above: many people are 
willing to pay extra to get their IETF T-shirt, and there are people who 
are willing to work on T-shirt designs.

In DC, IETF 61, we have a sponsor scheduled. So we'll likely have 
T-shirts. Thank you Alcatel!

Here's a suggestion for IETF 61: modify the registration web page to let 
people specify the size of the T-shirt they'd like to get. Usually, a 
sponsor has to estimate the number of people who want each T-shirt size. 
This leads to overbuys of some sizes and underbuys of other sizes. And 
it leads to some people being dissatisfied with the sizes that they were 
forced to receive.

Continuing this thought, here's a suggestion for the next IETF meeting 
that doesn't have a sponsor, whether it's IETF 62 or some future 
meeting: Take that part of the registration form that asks for T-shirt 
size and add one more choice: none. Then charge the people who pick a 
T-shirt an extra $15 to cover the cost of the shirt, and those that 
don't want it won't pay for it.

Then beforehand, set up a mailing list for those interested in designing 
the shirt, exchanging designs, and picking one out. I'm sure you'll get 
enough takers to do it.

	Tony Hansen

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