Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

narten@us.ibm.com Fri, 10 June 2016 04:53 UTC

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From: narten@us.ibm.com
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 00:53:02 -0400
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Subject: Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org
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Total of 89 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Jun 10 00:53:02 EDT 2016
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
 10.11% |    9 |  7.49% |    80853 | barryleiba@computer.org
  7.87% |    7 |  9.10% |    98169 | stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie
  3.37% |    3 |  4.56% |    49186 | jordi.palet@consulintel.es
  4.49% |    4 |  3.34% |    36061 | melinda.shore@gmail.com
  4.49% |    4 |  2.94% |    31739 | touch@isi.edu
  3.37% |    3 |  3.59% |    38739 | ynir.ietf@gmail.com
  2.25% |    2 |  4.55% |    49087 | michal@krsek.cz
  2.25% |    2 |  4.37% |    47111 | cb.list6@gmail.com
  3.37% |    3 |  3.18% |    34361 | stewart.bryant@gmail.com
  3.37% |    3 |  2.83% |    30590 | brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com
  2.25% |    2 |  3.62% |    39011 | ted.ietf@gmail.com
  3.37% |    3 |  2.27% |    24524 | john-ietf@jck.com
  2.25% |    2 |  2.80% |    30182 | bertietf@bwijnen.net
  2.25% |    2 |  2.65% |    28581 | sarikaya2012@gmail.com
  1.12% |    1 |  3.37% |    36418 | mellon@fugue.com
  1.12% |    1 |  3.16% |    34050 | jheitz@yahoo.com
  2.25% |    2 |  1.91% |    20630 | lear@cisco.com
  2.25% |    2 |  1.89% |    20380 | ben@nostrum.com
  2.25% |    2 |  1.54% |    16593 | sean@sn3rd.com
  2.25% |    2 |  1.47% |    15868 | sm+ietf@elandsys.com
  2.25% |    2 |  1.43% |    15434 | peter@akayla.com
  1.12% |    1 |  2.28% |    24646 | jimroskind@gmail.com
  2.25% |    2 |  1.15% |    12443 | johnl@taugh.com
  1.12% |    1 |  2.10% |    22702 | wilton@isoc.org
  1.12% |    1 |  1.67% |    18001 | bclaise@cisco.com
  1.12% |    1 |  1.58% |    17077 | tjc@ecs.soton.ac.uk
  1.12% |    1 |  1.48% |    16023 | daedulus@btconnect.com
  1.12% |    1 |  1.21% |    13078 | tom@herbertland.com
  1.12% |    1 |  1.15% |    12397 | gorry@erg.abdn.ac.uk
  1.12% |    1 |  1.14% |    12292 | iaoc-chair@ietf.org
  1.12% |    1 |  1.08% |    11673 | kandersen@linkedin.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.95% |    10199 | harald@alvestrand.no
  1.12% |    1 |  0.92% |     9878 | narten@us.ibm.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.90% |     9745 | jri@google.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.89% |     9603 | jcurran@istaff.org
  1.12% |    1 |  0.89% |     9577 | lars@netapp.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.85% |     9173 | lloyd.wood@yahoo.co.uk
  1.12% |    1 |  0.84% |     9114 | d3e3e3@gmail.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.84% |     9114 | alexey.melnikov@isode.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.84% |     9103 | tony@att.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.75% |     8071 | mstjohns@comcast.net
  1.12% |    1 |  0.75% |     8071 | marka@isc.org
  1.12% |    1 |  0.70% |     7588 | chair@ietf.org
  1.12% |    1 |  0.66% |     7078 | mrex@sap.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.64% |     6882 | randy@psg.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.59% |     6395 | mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
  1.12% |    1 |  0.59% |     6363 | sob@sobco.com
  1.12% |    1 |  0.48% |     5229 | iad@ietf.org
100.00% |   89 |100.00% |  1079082 | Total