Re: question to the IAOC: new committee members
Michael Richardson <> Thu, 17 November 2016 02:31 UTC
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{I was asked to join the IAOC finance sub-committee} JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <> wrote: > All the IETF positions have rules to be selected, nomcom, etc., and > there is a great transparency on the process. > However today we discovered that new members have been selected for > IAOC committees. These *sub*-committee members have no IAOC power, vote, etc. (The IAB program system also functions as *sub*-committees with extra members, and it's all much like IETF WG design teams... That's the model you should think about) It's really about extra eyes, and better communication to the IETF member base, and this is good. The sub-committees selected their members from the list of people who volunteered. I don't think the selection process was particularly transparent at this point, but it could be that it happened on a publically recorded IAOC call. My impression is that that they will subsequent calls for volunteers and additional people added. Feel free to pidgeon hole me at the bits'n'bytes if you want me to bore you a bunch about the september finance meeting stuff. Well, the details of the finances are particularly intricate and can be boring, but the overall picture was painted by Jari and Ray at the plenary is perhaps alarming. -- ] Never tell me the odds! | ipv6 mesh networks [ ] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works | network architect [ ] | ruby on rails [
- question to the IAOC: new committee members JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: question to the IAOC: new committee members Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Scott O. Bradner
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Lou Berger
- Re: question to the IAOC: new committee members JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Spencer Dawkins at IETF
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Scott O. Bradner
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Scott O. Bradner
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Scott O. Bradner
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Dave Crocker
- Re: question to the IAOC: new committee members Michael Richardson
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Leslie Daigle
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… JORDI PALET MARTINEZ
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [IAOC] question to the IAOC: new committee me… Bob Hinden