Weekly posting summary for ietf@ietf.org

Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Fri, 21 September 2012 04:53 UTC

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From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
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Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 00:53:02 -0400
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Total of 56 messages in the last 7 days.
script run at: Fri Sep 21 00:53:02 EDT 2012
    Messages   |      Bytes        | Who
 14.29% |    8 | 15.33% |    66407 | tglassey@earthlink.net
 14.29% |    8 | 13.55% |    58688 | ben@nostrum.com
  8.93% |    5 |  6.72% |    29105 | touch@isi.edu
  7.14% |    4 |  7.43% |    32180 | john-ietf@jck.com
  5.36% |    3 |  7.32% |    31698 | ben@estacado.net
  5.36% |    3 |  6.61% |    28631 | housley@vigilsec.com
  5.36% |    3 |  6.57% |    28437 | simon@josefsson.org
  3.57% |    2 |  3.09% |    13395 | barryleiba@computer.org
  3.57% |    2 |  3.01% |    13020 | mrex@sap.com
  3.57% |    2 |  2.97% |    12859 | cabo@tzi.org
  3.57% |    2 |  2.94% |    12718 | sm@resistor.net
  3.57% |    2 |  2.81% |    12178 | johnl@taugh.com
  1.79% |    1 |  3.07% |    13284 | david.black@emc.com
  1.79% |    1 |  2.25% |     9740 | ned+ietf@mauve.mrochek.com
  1.79% |    1 |  2.14% |     9266 | narten@us.ibm.com
  1.79% |    1 |  2.03% |     8788 | arnt@gulbrandsen.priv.no
  1.79% |    1 |  1.99% |     8635 | lconroy@insensate.co.uk
  1.79% |    1 |  1.73% |     7497 | sob@harvard.edu
  1.79% |    1 |  1.52% |     6603 | dhc@dcrocker.net
  1.79% |    1 |  1.51% |     6525 | stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie
  1.79% |    1 |  1.44% |     6251 | chair@ietf.org
  1.79% |    1 |  1.34% |     5816 | nico@cryptonector.com
  1.79% |    1 |  1.33% |     5748 | ajs@anvilwalrusden.com
  1.79% |    1 |  1.30% |     5611 | joelja@bogus.com
100.00% |   56 |100.00% |   433080 | Total