How does the IETF work? (was:Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (tls-authz situation)
Alessandro Vesely <> Wed, 11 February 2009 08:52 UTC
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Subject: How does the IETF work? (was:Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (tls-authz situation)
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Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote: > I think Melinda makes a good point here. > > [..] > > RMS has a certain number of supporters who are willing to write letters. > That does not mean that RMS's opinion should hold greater weight than > that of other people. We must assume that each writer is expressing her or his own opinion, not that of some generic leader or employer. Otherwise, how do we explain, say, the MARID case? I'm not a psychohistorian, but I'd guess that if the IETF had been fairly immune from interest driven pressures, the FSF wouldn't have needed to start that campaign in the first place.
- Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (tls-… Alex Loret de Mola
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Ole Jacobsen
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Alex Loret de Mola
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Melinda Shore
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Noel Chiappa
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Alex Loret de Mola
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Melinda Shore
- RE: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Hallam-Baker, Phillip
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Alex Loret de Mola
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Marshall Eubanks
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Robinson Tryon
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Clint Chaplin
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Doug Ewell
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Brian E Carpenter
- Re: Ah, I see the cause of the situation now... (… Alessandro Vesely
- How does the IETF work? (was:Re: Ah, I see the ca… Alessandro Vesely