Re: My comments to the press about RFC 2474

Yoav Nir <> Thu, 09 September 2010 21:16 UTC

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From: Yoav Nir <>
To: Marshall Eubanks <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 00:16:06 +0300
Subject: Re: My comments to the press about RFC 2474
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On Sep 8, 2010, at 3:03 AM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:

> On Sep 7, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Richard Bennett wrote:
>> I think you should have shared the message from our public relations agency that started this incident, Russ. Here's what it said:
>> ------------------
>> IETF Chair speaks on Paid Prioritization - Thursday, September 2, 2010 
>> "I note the recent discussion in the U.S. media in connection with 'paid 
>> prioritization' of Internet traffic and the claim that RFC 2474 
>> 'expressly contemplating paid prioritization.'  This characterization of 
>> the IETF standard and the use of the term 'paid prioritization' by AT&T 
>> is misleading.  The IETF's prioritization technologies allow users to 
>> indicate how they would like their service providers to handle their 
>> Internet traffic. The IETF does not imply any specific payment based on 
>> prioritization as a separate service." 
>> Melissa Kahaly 
>> Assistant Vice President 
>>  <> 
>> 88 Pine Street, 32nd Floor 
>> New York, NY, 10005 
>> T +1 (212) 850-5709 
>> F +1 (212) 850-5790 
>> M +1 (732) 245-8491 
>> <> 
>> A member of FTI Consulting Inc. 
>> -----------------
>> This clearly isn't Russ Housley speaking as an individual, this is the IETF Chair making an official statement. 
> In the article at issue, it says
> The current chair of the IETF, Russ Housley, disagrees with AT&T's assessment.
> That seems pretty clearly like a personal (not official) statement to me. But that's just MHO.

I don't agree with the rest of what Richard says, but in this, I believe he is correct. 

In the IETF mailing lists we can play this game of "with AD hat on, I'm saying this, but as an individual I'm saying that".

In communicating to the press there is never a distinction between your position and yourself as an individual. You are never going to see in the paper, "The current president of the US, Barack Obama, disagrees with AT&T's assessment." If Mr. Obama speaks to the press about AT&T's statement, it is the government's stance. Similarly, a message by Russ Housley, is taken to be the opinion of the IETF. (not that I'm saying that Russ is to the Internet what Obama is to the US).

Now, whether the press release represents the IETF's opinion or not, I agree with what it says.
